Setter Name | Example | Description |
setColorCalculationMethod(String val) | GRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setColorCalculationMethod("hierarchy"); | Sets the method by which the rectangles of the treemap are colored. Valid values for method are: hierarchy, areaIdentity, colorIdentity, absoluteDeviation, percentDeviation. |
setColorScheme(String val) | GRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setColorScheme("Set1, 4"); | Sets the new ColorBrewer scheme for the treemap and the number of classes. Both values must be separated by a comma and passed in a string. |
setDepth(int level) | GRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setDepth(2); | Limits the number of hierarchy levels displayed in the treemap to the value level. |
setDescriptionpArea(boolean val) | GRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setDescriptionArea(true); | Sets whether the rectangle labels contain the area dimension and the value of the member. |
setDescriptionDeviation(boolean val) | GRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setDescriptionDeviation(true); | Sets whether the rectangle labels contain the color dimension and the value of the member. |
setDescriptionName(boolean val) | GRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setDescriptionName(true); | Sets whether the rectangle labels contain the name of the member. |
setDescriptionPath(boolean val) | GRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setDescriptionPath(false); | Sets whether the rectangle labels contain the area hierarchy levels. |
setDescriptionVisible(boolean val) | GRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setDescriptionVisible(true); | Sets whether the rectangle lables are displayed. |
setEmbedded(boolean val) | GRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setEmbedded(true); | Allows to turn on and off the embedded mode (frame to display the hierarchy levels). |
setExtendedNumberFormat(String val) | GRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setExtendedNumberFormat("-||.|,|1|1|"); | Sets the number format for the extended mode. The format string can be found in the manual. |
setExtendedNumberFormatPercentage(String val) | GRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setExtendedNumberFormatPercentage("-||.|,|1|1|%25"); | Sets the number format for the percentages in the extended mode. The format string can be found in the manual. |
setHideOverflowingDescriptions(boolean val) | GRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setHideOverflowingDesicription(false); | Sets whether overflowing labels are to be removed. |
setLabelFormatMode(String val) | GRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setLabelFormatMode("extended"); | Sets a string value for the used label format mode. Available values are basic and extended. |
setLimitDepth(boolean val) | GRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setLimitDepth(false); | Sets whether the limitation of the depth of the hierarchy is activated. |
setLocale(String val) | GRAPHOMATETABLEGRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setLocale("de"); | Sets the value of the locale. Allowed values are: de, en, fr and auto. If auto is used, the locale from the query is used for formatting the data. |
setNegativeDeviationIsGood(boolean val) | GRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setNegativeDeviationIsGood(true); | Sets whether the negative deviations are interpreted as positive or negative. |
setNumberFormat(String val) | GRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setNumberFormat("0,0.0"); | Sets the number format for the basic mode. The format string corresponds to the format numeral.js (see |
setNumberFormatPercentage(String val) | GRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setNumberFormatPercentage("0 %"); | Sets the number format for the percentages in the basic mode. The format string corresponds to the format numeral.js (see |
setRestPadding(int val) | GRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setRestPadding(1); | Sets the width of the spacing between the frames and the treemap (for the left, right and bottom side) in the embedded mode. |
setShowLegend(boolean val) | GRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setShowLegend(true); | Sets whether the legend is displayed. |
setShowTitle(boolean val) | GRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setShowTitle(true); | Sets whether the title is displayed. |
setTopPadding(int val) | GRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setTopPadding(1); | Sets the width of the spacing between the top side of the frames and the treemap in the embedded mode. |
setTitle(String val) | GRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setTitle("Sales in Mio. EUR|2013 ACT and BUD|North West"); | Sets the title of the treemap. Expects value as a string. Line breaks (\n) are interpreted as such. |
setTooltipArea(boolean val) | GRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setTooltipArea(true); | Sets whether the tooltips contain the area dimension and the value of the member. |
setTooltipDeviation(boolean val) | GRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setTooltipDeviation(true); | Sets whether the tooltips contain the color dimension and the value of the member. |
setTooltipName(boolean val) | GRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setTooltipName(true); | Sets whether the tooltips contain the name of the member. |
setTooltipPath(boolean val) | GRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setTooltipPath(false); | Sets whether the tooltips contain the hierarchy levels. |
setTooltipVisible(boolean val) | GRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setTooltipVisible(true); | Sets whether the tooltips are displayed. |
setUseFormattedData(boolean val) | GRAPHOMATETABLEGRAPHOMATETREEMAP_1.setUseFormattedData(true); | Sets whether the preformatted data from Design Studio is used for the entries of the table. This is possible only for the values that are passed from the query. Values, which are calculated in the table itself, eg for the deviations, are formatted still either in the basic or extended number format. |