Excerpt |
- Extension is now compatible with graphomate server auditing and templating
- Trellis mode added
- Graph plotting functionality added
- Scripting functions for the context menu added
- Solved an issue where some context menu functionality did not work properly in Lumira Designer 2.1
- Refactoring and compatibility improvements for Lumira 2.1
- Added many scripting methods for a more comprehensive scriptability
- Added data binding for some data related properties in the Standard Properties Sheet
- Runtime Zoom and Highlight functionality restored
- Tooltip bug in Internet Explorer fixed
- JavaScript errors fixed that can occur when only one bubble is drawn
- Clustering of overlapping bubbles implemented
- Conditional Formatting implemented
- Highlighted ares implemented on the axes
- 3 zoom modes implemented
- Trend line implemented
- Performance optimization for non-visible bubbles
- Demo data is no longe drawn at runtime
- Context menu setting are now in the Additional Properties Sheet
- Search function implemented in the Additional Properties Sheet
- Behavior of "Negative Deviation is good" adjusted to match the other graphomate extensions
- new property "Absolute Circle Values"
- new license agreement inserted
- property values will be parsed and checked for validity
- tooltip implemented
- property "Reserve Space for hidden Labels" introduced
- context menu introduced
- manual ranges for the axes ("Begin/End of X/Y Axis") will now allow values which lead to bubbles being positioned out of the diagram
- wildcards (mean, min, max) introduced for the definition of "Highlighted Ranges"
- calculation of manual intervals wil now be based on zero to produce even values for the axis sections
- script methods getSelectedMemberTexts and getSelectedMemberKeys implemented
- script methods which use JSON string returns and parameters will now use comma separated lists as strings
- script event "On Bubbles Selected" implemented. Bubbles can now be selected by click&drag on the diagram's background
- Category Labels no longer exceed the component borders
- "assign x and y data" overlay no longer appears when x and y series are assigned
- A huge amount of data no longer crashes Design Studio
- The color picker does now operate as intended
- JavaScript error after deleting the X Axis Series no longer occurs
- Additional Grid Lines are definable by Position, Color, Width, ...
- Additional Grid Lines are definable at the mean value of X or Y Axis
- Filled Bubbles implemented
- Manual Scaling of the Grid implemented
- Annotations (Labels at the axis and reference lines on mouse over) are now deactivatable
- Additional Script Methods implemented
Hover behavior improved in order to make smaller bubbles reachable, if they superimpose other bubbles
- Komponente rendert nicht mehr über Komponentengrenzen hinaus
- Font Family wird nun auch auf Bubble-Labels angewendet
- "auto" width und height führt nicht mehr zu Fehlern
- Copy/Paste einer bubble-Komponente führt nicht mehr zu JavaScript-Fehler
- Padding wirkt sich nun auch auf den Titel aus
- Hover friert im Internet Explorer nicht mehr ein
- Advanced Property Sheet
- Skalierung so wählbar, dass automatisch der Platz optimal ausgenutzt wird
- Skalierung: Minimalwert und Maximalwert wählbar
- Ausprägungsnamen für die Label einzeln wählbar
- Optional Platz für ausgeblendete Labels vorhaltbar
- Scripting-Funktionalitäten
- Manuell wählbare Series Labels
- Außere Grid-Linien optional anzeigbar
- inneres Grid optional anzeigbar
- Kleine bubble dominant - größere durchscheinend
- Abstand zwischen den Legenden Elementen einstellbar
- Umbrüche im Titel
- Hovern zur Laufzeit zeigt nun alle Labels an
- Formatted Data aus Datenquelle verwendbar
- Endpunkt der Deviation-Berechnung umgekehrt