Setter Name | Example | Description |
setBarwidthFactor(float value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setBarWidthFactor(0.6); | Sets the bar width factor to the passed value. The available space per bar is then multiplied with the factor; a value of 1 will thus result in bars touching each other, 0.5 will leave gaps as wide as the bars. |
setDisplayCategoryLabels(boolean value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setDisplayLeadingValues(true); | Governs the display of leading values (the first data point of each individual sparkline). |
setDisplayOverallRange(boolean value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setDisplayOverallRange(true); | Governs whether Overall Range and Relative Range in the sparkline background are displayed. |
setDisplayTrailingValues(boolean value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setDisplayTrailingValues(true); | Governs the display of trailing values (last data point of each individual sparkline). |
setDisplayType(String type) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setDisplayType(); | Sets the display type to the passed value; parameter must be either "line" or "bars". |
setEnableRuler(boolean value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setEnableRuler(true); | Switches the vertical helpline on or off. |
setEnableZoom(boolean value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setEnableZoom(true); | Switches the runtime zoom function on or off. |
setEnableZoomAnimation(boolean value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setEnableZoomAnimation(true); | With this function, the animation of the zoom popup can be switched on or off. If false is passed, the zoom popup will appear directly, without animation. |
setHighlightMinMax(boolean value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setHighlightMinMax(true); | Switches the highlighting of maximum/minimum values on or off. |
setIsDataInRows(boolean value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setIsDataInRows(true); | Governs the orientation of data interpretation. If true is passed, the selection will be interpreted as rows, in case of false, sparklines will be generated from the selection‘s columns. |
setSelection(string value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setSelection(“{}“); | Sets the selection to the passed string. If “{}“ is specified, the complete resultset will be used to generate sparklines. |
setZoomDuration(float value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setZoomDuration(2000); | Sets the duration of the zoom animation. Parameter needs to be passed in ms. |
setTitleFontsize(Float Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setTitleFontsize(18); | Sets the font size for the title. |
setSparklinePadding(Float Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setSparklinePadding(4); | Sets the padding for the sparkline. |
setDisplayTrailingValues(Boolean Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setDisplayTrailingValues(true); | Switches between wheter the last value of the dataseries should be shown or not. |
setSparklineLineThickness(Float Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setSparklineLineThickness(3); | Sets the line thickness. |
setFontSize(Float Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setFontSize(9); | Sets the font size. |
setFontFamily(String Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setFontFamily("Consolas"); | Sets the font family. |
setNumeraljsFormatString(String Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setNumeraljsFormatString("0.0,0"); | Sets the numeral.js string. |
setLocale(String Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setLocale("en"); | Sets the locale. Possible values: "de", "en", "fr" or "auto". |
setLabelFormatMode(String Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setLabelFormatMode("extended"); | Sets the label format. Possible values: "basic" or "extended". |
setExtendedNumberFormat(String Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setExtendedNumberFormat("()|€|,|.|10^1|2|?"); | Sets the extended number format. |
setExtendedNumberFormatPercent(String Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setExtendedNumberFormatPercent("None|4|.|,|10^2|4|!"); | Sets the extended number format percent. |
setSuppressRepeatingCategoryLabels(String Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setSuppressRepeatingCategoryLabels("[true,true,false,false,false]"); | Sets whether reapeted category labels should be shown or not for each series. |
setZoomHeight(Float Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setZoomHeight(238); | Sets the height of the pop up window. |
setZoomFontSize(Float Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setZoomFontSize(7);
| Sets the font size of the pop up window. |
setZoomLineThickness(Float Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setZoomLineThickness(2); | Sets the thickness of the line in the pop up window. |
setEnableZoomTooltip(Boolean Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setEnableZoomTooltip(true); | Sets whether the tooltip in the pop up window should be shown or not. |
setEnableZoomCategoryLabels(Boolean Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setEnableZoomCategoryLabels(true); | Sets whether the category labels in the pop up window should be shown or not. |
setTextColor(String Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setTextColor("#ff99e6"); | Sets the text color. |
setGoodColor(String Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setGoodColor("#ff99e6" ); | Sets the color for positive values. |
setBadColor(String Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setBadColor("#ff99e6" ); | Sets the color for negative values. |
setSparklineColor(String Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setSparklineColor("#ff99e6" ); | Sets the color for the line. |
setSparklineBackgroundColor(String Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setSparklineBackgroundColor("#ff99e6" );
| Sets the color for the background. |
setSparklineRangeColor(String Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setSparklineRangeColor("#ff99e6" ); | Sets the color for the range. |
setZoomLineColor(String Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setZoomLineColor("#ff99e6" ); | Sets the color for the line in the pop up window. |
setZoomBackgroundColorsetZoomHelplineColor(String Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setZoomBackgroundColorsetZoomHelplineColor("#ff99e6" ); | Sets the color for the helplines in the pop up window. |
setHighlightColorsetZoomHighlightColor(String Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setHighlightColor("#ff99e6" ); | Sets the color for the line which appears on hover in the pop up window. |
setRulerLineColor(String Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setRulerLineColor("#ff99e6" ); | Sets the color for the ruler(-line). |
setRulerBoxColor(String Value) | GRAPHOMATESPARKLINES_1.setRulerBoxColor("#ff99e6" ); | Sets the color for the background of the numbers which are shown on hover over the ruler. |