GuidesTo highlight threshold or target values, the so-called Guides can be added, whose appearance can be extensively customized. Guides Pop-UpWith the + button Guides definitions can be added. The following options are available for each guide: - Description: Enter the name of the guide here.
- Value: Defines the position of the guideline on the axis. If the character string mean is entered instead of a numerical value, the average of the data series on which the axis is based is taken as the value.
- Color: Opens the Color Picker to select a color for the line or defines the color using HEX code.
- Width [px]: Sets the width of the guideline in [px].
- Label: Are displayed on the axis at the position of the guideline. If auto is defined for the label, the line is provided with a label corresponding to the axis value at the position. If none is defined for the label, no label is displayed. Any other inserted text is displayed as label.
- Bold Label: Bestimmt, ob das Label Fett gezeichnet wird.
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