Setter Name | Example | Description |
setAxisColor(String) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setAxisColor("#000000"); | Sets the color of the axis and the axis labels to the passed value. |
setAxisFontSize(float) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setAxisFontSize(12); | Sets the fontsize of the axis labels. |
setBadColor(String) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setBadColor("#ff0000"); | Sets the color used for negative deviations to the passed value. |
setBulletHeight(float) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setBulletHeight(40); | Sets the height of the drawing area for a single bullet graph element. |
setCalculateQualitativeRanges(boolean value) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setCalculateQualitativeRanges(true); | If this option is true, Qualitative Ranges 1 and 3 will be calculated from Qualitative Range 2. If set to false, Qualitative Ranges 1 and 3 will have to be assigned to a Data Series to be displayed. |
setCategoryLabelColor(String) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setCategoryLabelColor("#000000"); | Sets the color of the category labels to the passed value. |
setCategoryLabelFontSize(float) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setCategoryLabelFontSize(12); | Sets the category label fontsize to the passed value. |
setCategoryLabelPadding(float) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setCategoryLabelPadding(10); | Sets the padding between category labels and bullet graph elements to the passed value. |
setCenterCategoryLabels(boolean) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setCenterCategoryLabels(false); | Toggles the centering of category labels. |
setChartFooter(boolean) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setChartFooter("Region Nord"); | Sets the text of the chart footer to the passed value. |
setChartFooterFontSize(float) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setChartFooterFontSize(12); | Sets the fontsize of the chart footer. |
setChartTitle(String value) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setChartTitle("Sales in Mio. EUR|2013 ACT and BUD"); | Sets the title of the component. |
setChartTitleFontSize(float) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setChartTitleFontSize(12); | Sets the fontsize of the component title. |
setChartSubtitle(String value) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setChartSubtitle("Region Nord"); | Sets the subtitle of the component; works analogous to setChartTitle(). |
setChartSubtitleFontSize(float) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setChartSubtitleFontSize(12); | Sets the fontsize of the the component subtitle. |
setComparativeMarkerColor1(String) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setComparativeMarkerColor1("#000000"); | Sets the color for Comparative Marker 1. |
setComparativeMarkerColor2(String) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setComparativeMarkerColor2("#333333"); | Sets the color for Comparative Marker 2. |
setComparativeMarkerWidth(float) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setComparativeMarkerWidth(3); | Sets the width of comparative markers. |
setComparison1(String value) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setComparision1('{"Keyfigures":"0D_NWI_NSAL"}'); | Sets the Data Series of Comparative Measure 1. Expects a JSON string which describes either a column or a line of the Data Source. |
setComparison2(String value) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setComparision2('{"Keyfigures":"0D_NWI_NSAL"}'); | Sets the Data Series of Comparative Measure 2. Expects a JSON string which describes either a column or a line of the Data Source. |
setComparisonGroup(String comparisonGroup) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setComparisonGroup('A'); | Registers the bullet graph component in the Comparison Group with the passed id. A value of "" removes the component from any Comparison Group it is currently registered in. |
setDatatypes(String seriestype, String value) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .getDisplayCategoryLabels(); | Sets the datatypes of the passed series type to the passed value. The input for seriestype has to be one of the following: performance1, performance2, comparative1, comparative2, quality1, quality2, quality3 value is a JSON string which descripes to datatypes to be set. The following format has to be used: ‘[“AC“,“PP“,“BU“]‘ |
setDisplayCategoryLabels(boolean value) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setDisplayCategoryLabels(true); | Shows or hides the Category Labels. |
setDisplayMicroPies(boolean) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setDisplayMicroPies(true); | Shows or hides the Micro Pies. |
setDisplayPerformanceValue(boolean) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setDisplayPerformanceValue(true); | Shows or hides the value of Performance Measure 1 in the bar. |
setDisplayTooltips(boolean) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setDisplayTooltips(true); | Sets whether tooltips are shown during runtime. |
setDisplayValueAxis(String value) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setDisplayValueAxis("Never"); | Shows or hides the Value Axis. Valid values are Always (each bullet graph get its own axis), Once (only one axis is drawn, all bullet graphs are scaled identically) or Never (no axis is displayed). |
void setDeviationFromComparison1(boolean val) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setDeviationFromComparison1(true); | This function can be used to toggle the display of the deviation bar between Performance Measure 1 and Comparative Measure 1 on or off.setExtendedNumberFormatMeasure 1 on or off. |
setExtendedNumberFormat(String) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setExtendedNumberFormat("-||.|,|1|1|"); | Sets the format string for the Extended Number Format. |
setExtendedNumberFormatPercent(String) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 . | setExtendedNumberFormatsetExtendedNumberFormatPercent("-||.|,|1|1|%25"); | Sets the format string for the Extended Number Format for percentages; currently only used by normalized data. |
setExtendedNumberFormatPercentsetExtendedNumberFormatTooltip(String) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setExtendedNumberFormatPercentsetExtendedNumberFormatTooltip("-||.|,|1|1|%25"); | Sets the format string for the Extended Number Format for percentages; currently only used by normalized datatooltips. |
setFontFamily(String) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setFontFamily("Arial"); | Sets the font family for the whole component. |
setGoodColor(String) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setGoodColor("#00ff00"); | Sets the color used for positive deviations. |
setHorizontalPadding(float) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setHorizontalPadding(10); | Sets the padding between individual bullet graph elements. |
setInvertDeviationColor(boolean) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setInvertDeviationColor(false); | Sets whether the colors for positive and negative deviations are inverted. If true is passed, positive deviations will be drawn in Bad Color and vice versa.setLabelFormatModewill be drawn in Bad Color and vice versa. |
setLabelFormatMode(String) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setLabelFormatMode("basic"); | Sets the label format mode. Valid values are "basic" and "extended". |
setLabelFormatModeTooltip(String) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setLabelFormatModesetLabelFormatModeTooltip("basic"); | Sets the label format mode for tooltips. Valid values are "basic" and "extended". |
setLocale(String) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setLocale("de"); | Sets the locale string used by numeral.js/basic number format. Valid values are "de", "en", "fr" or "auto". |
setMicroPieColor(String) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setMicroPieColor("#777700"); | Sets the color of micro pies. |
setNormalizeToTarget(String val) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setNormalizeToTarget ("None"); | With this function, all values in a bullet graph component can be normalized to a target value. Valid parameter values are None, Performance Measure 1, Performance Mesure 2, Comparative Meaure 1 or Comparative Measure 2. |
setNumeraljsFormatString(String value) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setNumeraljsFormatString("0,0.0"); | A string that describes the format of the axis | labellinglabelling. A description of valid strings can be found at |
setNumberFormatTooltip(String value) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setNumberFormatTooltip("0,0.0"); | A string that describes the format of the numbers in tooltips. A description of valid strings can be found at |
setPercentageQuality1(float value) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setPercentageQuality1(0.2); | This value is used to calculate Qualitative Range 1, if the option Calculate Qualitative Ranges is enabled. |
setPercentageQuality3(float value) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setPercentageQuality3(1.8); | This value is used to calculate Qualitative Range 3, if the option Calculate Qualitative Ranges is enabled. |
setPerformanceBarColor1(String) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setPerformanceBarColor1("#222222"); | Sets the color for Performance Bar 1. |
setPerformanceBarColor2(String) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setPerformanceBarColor2("#555555"); | Sets the color for Performance Bar 2. |
setPerformance1(String value) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setPerformance1('{"Keyfigures":"0D_NWI_NSAL"}'); | Sets the Data Series of Performance Measure 1. Expects a JSON string which describes either a column or a line of the Data Source. |
setPerformance2(String value) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setPerformance2('{"Keyfigures":"0D_NWI_NSAL"}'); | Sets the Data Series of Performance Measure 2. Expects a JSON string which describes either a column or a line of the Data Source. |
setPerformanceBarHeight(integer value) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setPerformanceBarHeight(20); | Sets the height/width of Performance Bar, according the alignment. |
setQualitativeBarHeight(integer value) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setQualitativeBarHeight(30); | Sets the height/width of the Qualitative Bars, according the alignment. |
setQualitativeRangeColor1(String) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setQualitativeRangeColor1("#999999"); | Sets the color for Qualitative Range 1. |
setQualitativeRangeColor2(String) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setQualitativeRangeColor2("#aaaaaa"); | Sets the color for Qualitative Range 2. |
setQualitativeRangeColor3(String) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setQualitativeRangeColor3("#eeeeee"); | Sets the color for Qualitative Range 3. |
setQualitativeRangesFromZero(boolean) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setQualitativeRangesFromZero(false); | Sets whether qualitative ranges will be drawn from zero or from the lefthand side of the graph.. |
setQuality1(String value) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setQuality1('{"Keyfigures":"0D_NWI_NSAL"}'); | Sets the Data Series of Qualitative Range 1. Expects a JSON string which describes either a column or a line of the Data Source. |
setQuality2(string value) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setQuality2('{"Keyfigures":"0D_NWI_NSAL"}'); | Sets the Data Series of Qualitative Range 2. Expects a JSON string which describes either a column or a line of the Data Source. |
setQuality3(string value) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setQuality3('{"Keyfigures":"0D_NWI_NSAL"}'); | Sets the Data Series of Qualitative Range 3. Expects a JSON string which describes either a column or a line of the Data Source. |
setReverseQualitativeRanges(boolean value) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setReverseQualitativeRanges(true); | Specifies the drawing direction of the Qualitative Ranges. |
setReverseQuantity(boolean value) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setReverseQuantity(true); | Reverses the scale of the bullet graphs. If true, the scaling ranges from n to 0, if false, it ranges from 0 to n. |
setShowChartFooter(boolean) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setShowChartFooter(true); | Shows or hides the chart footer. |
setShowChartSubtitle(boolean) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setShowChartSubtitle(false); | Shows or hides the chart subtitle. |
setShowChartTitle(boolean) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setShowChartTitle(true); | Shows or hides the chart title. |
setSubtitleFontSize(float) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setSubtitleFontSize(12); | Sets the fontsize of the second line of the category labels. |
setSuppressRepeatingCategoryLabels(boolean) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setSuppressRepeatingCategoryLabels(true); | Sets whether repeating elements in the category labels are suppressed. |
setTrailingCategoryLabels(boolean) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setTrailingCategoryLabels(false); | Sets whether category labels are displayed in front of/above the bulletgraphs or after/below. |
setUseFormattedData(boolean) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setUseFormattedData(false); | Sets whether the preformatted data from the data source is displayed of data formatted by the bullet graph component. |
setUseIndividualScales(boolean value) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setUseIndividualScales(false); | If this option is true, each bullet graph axis will be calculated individually. Otherwise, all bullet graphs will be scaled identically. |
setVerticalAlign(boolean value) | GRAPHOMATEBULLETGRAPHS_1 .setVerticalAlign(false); | Sets the alignment of the bullet graph. If true, the bars will be aligned vertically. |