SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit
+ Overview over all applications, connections, services, etc.
+ First start: Services → SAP Web IDE → enable/open SAP Web IDE
SAP Cloud Platform, Portalservice (known as Admin Space)
+ under tools you find the links to the Cockpit and Web IDE
+ recommendation for testing: right click on folder → Run → Run as → SAP Fiori Launchpad Sandbox
How to implement graphomate library
+ creating resource folder
+ importing the zipped graphomate library
+ adjusting the manifest.json → "resourceRoots" & "libs"
+ in some cases .project.json is troublemaker → try to remove
+ right click on Workspace → New → Project from Template (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E)
+ SAPUI5 Application with SAPUI5 Version 1.44 *next → Project Name tutorialProject *next → set View Type to XML *finish
+ include your zipped graphomate library into the resource folder by right click on res → Import → From File System
+ change your manifest.json to the correct paths of your resource folder by adding a "resourceRoots" property to your "sap.ui5" property and add value "graphomate.ui.charts": {} to libs under "dependencies"
+ to create a chart in your xml we need to define the namespace first by adding xmlns:charts="graphomate.ui.charts"
+ you can now create your chart by using <charts:Chart series1="XXX"