- Created by Tim Schauder , last modified on Jan 30, 2019
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This tutorial will show how to
- ... use the WebIDE to create a simple UI5 App
- ... register graphomate for UI5 Resources to your project
- ... display data from an OData service using graphomate charts and tables for UI5
- ... use Aggregation Binding in XML Views
- ... manually set data to the components defined in the view using the corresponding controller
1 Creating the App
- Log in to your SAP Cloud Platform and open the WebIDE
- Select File → new → project from template
- Create an UI5 Application using the wizard
2 Adding graphomate for UI5 Resources
- Upload the content of the zip containing the current version of 'graphomate for UI5' extensions by right clicking your project's webapp folder and selecting import → file or project
- Import it to /webapp/res
- Change the directory tree to look as the following, resulting in the graphomate directory being a direct child of webapp/res:
- Now you need to register the newly added resources by opening the mainifest.json file and adding the following entries:
3 Creating a Destination
- In order to successfully request data from an OData service you need to create a proxy connection. Therefor log in to your cloud platform cockpit and select connectivity → destinations from your side menu
- We use the microsoft OData test service northwind in this tutorial. To be able to get data from this service add a new destination like the following:
4 Adding an OData Service to Your App
- By right clicking your project in WebIDE and selecting new → OData Service you can bind an OData Service to your app
- Select your newly created destination from the drop down menu and add the following service URL: V2/Northwind/Northwind.svc (normally it would be prefixed with services.odata.org, but that part is being managed by your northwind destination proxy service)
- Click test to check the connection
- In the last step of the wizard select default model to create a default OData Model for your app
5 Adding Table & Chart to Your View
- Open the view of your app (webapp → view → View1.view.xml)
- For this demo we ...
- ... create basic table and chart instances in the view
- ... bind data from the OData model to the Tables's aggregation 'rows' by using Aggregation Binding Syntax
- ... manually bind data from the OData model to the Chart's data series properties by using the controller
- The Following code describes an xml view which defines a table and a simple chart:
<mvc:View controllerName="tutorial.ODataTutorial.controller.View1" xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" displayBlock="true" xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:tables="graphomate.ui.tables" xmlns:charts="graphomate.ui.charts" > <App id="idAppControl"> <pages> <Page title="OData Tutorial"> <content> <VBox alignItems="Center"> <items> <!--Here we use Aggregation Binding to create a row for each product --> <tables:Table width="700px" rows="{/Products}" showFilterHelper="true"> <tables:rows> <!--Here Expression Binding is used to concatenatethe values of a row into an array --> <tables:Row title="{ProductName}" dataPerColumn="{=[${UnitsInStock},${UnitsOnOrder}]}" /> </tables:rows> <tables:columns> <!--The columns' ids get prefixed by UI5, so the prefix has to be part of the DeviationColumn's base and measure ids --> <tables:DataColumn title="Units in Stock" id="measure" /> <tables:DataColumn title="Units on Order" id="base" /> <tables:DeviationColumn title="Units Available" type="Absolute" baseColumnId="__xmlview0--base" measureColumnId="__xmlview0--measure" /> </tables:columns> </tables:Table> <!--This chart is not bound to any data in the view. Its data gets initialized in the controller--> <charts:Chart id="gmChart0" width="700px" height="600px" chartType="OffsetBar" rotated="true" showSeriesLabelsRight="true" padding="20" /> </items> </VBox> </content> </Page> </pages> </App> </mvc:View>
- The Following code describes the matching controller which prepares the data and sets it to the chart for this demo case:
sap.ui.define([ "sap/ui/core/mvc/Controller" ], function (Controller) { "use strict"; return Controller.extend("tutorial.ODataTutorial.controller.View1", { onInit: function() {}, /** Takes an object and returns an array of its values */ toArray: function(obj) { return Object.keys(obj).map(function(key) { return obj[key] }) }, /** Filters an array of products to only include products of specific characteristics */ filterProducts: function(products) { return products.filter(function(product){ return product.UnitsOnOrder > 0 && product.UnitsInStock > 0 && product.UnitsOnOrder < 50; }) }, /** Attaches an handler which gets called when the OData model finished loading data */ onAfterRendering: function() { var self = this; this.getView().getModel().attachRequestCompleted(function(){ self.setChartData(); }); }, /** Retrieves data from OData model when received and sets it to the chart */ setChartData: function() { var productData = this.filterProducts(this.toArray(this.getView().getModel().oData)); this.getView().byId('__xmlview0--gmChart0') .setSeries1(productData.map(function(product) { return product.UnitsOnOrder; })) .setSeries2(productData.map(function(product) { return product.UnitsInStock; })) .setCategoryLabels([productData.map(function(product) { return product.ProductName; })]) .setSeriesLabels(["UnitsOnOrder", "UnitsInStock"]); } }); });
6 Test Your App
- In WebIDE right click the your project and select Run → Run As SAP Fiori Launchpad Sandbox to test your app in a new browser tab
- The Result should look like the following app, consisting of a table and a simple chart:
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