
Fügen Sie die erforderlichen Schritte hinzu:

  1. To adjust the appearance of the line element in a linechart please use the following css snippet
  2. Please replace GRAPHOMATECHART_1 with the name of the component in the layout overview in Lumira Designer, for example if your graphomate charts name is REVENUE_2020, the according selector must start with #REVENUE_2020_control 
  3. You can specify the series with seriesIndex1, seriesIndex2 etc. If you don't wish to, you can remove .seriesIndexN and leave .lineElements

  4. For color adjustment please use the stroke property. Stroke-dasharray for achieving a dotted line.

    #GRAPHOMATECHART_1_control  .lineElements.seriesIndex1 {
        stroke: red !important
    #GRAPHOMATECHART_1_control  .lineElements.seriesIndex2 {
        stroke-dasharray:5,3 !important


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