Graphomate Auditing is used to dertermine how many different users use specific Graphomate extensions.

The auditing is automatically activated when the server is installed.

All data is stored in a SQLite Database. This database is stored at the tomcat root in a folder called graphomate named auditing.db.


To export the Auditing data, you need to log in to the Admin Panel, and click on Audits. Then you should click the "EXPORT" button. The export will run in the background, and will show a dialog when it's finished. It will tell you the path on the server where the csv file can be found. All usernames in the exported file are anonymized, and can't be translated back to the real usernames.

The data will be exported with the following layout:

iddate of measureusernamename of componentname of SAP productname of application
111.07.2018mmustermanncom.graphomate.chartsLumira DesignerTestReport