changed the versioning schema to match other graphomate components
fixed issue with parallel processing of data sources
fixed minor layout issues
fixed a compatibility issue with Lumiras authoring component
added new data type HatchedUpBold & HatchedDownBold
fixed an issue with the background of Performance Values in vertical layout
added context menu support for Designer 2.1
added a number of scripting functions
fixed a bug that led to Javascript console errors when tooltips were visible
fixed a bug where the Performance Value was positioned incorrectly in vertical alignment
Category Labels can now be displayed either in front of/above or after/below the bulletgraphs
Qualitative Ranges can now optionally be drawn from 0, instead of from the left/right border of the main drawing area
Tick interval now accepts decimal values
added a new datatype shape, "Wedge". This is displayed as a small triangle.
tooltip value can now be formatted independently from the global number format
Comparison Group is now fully supported; as of version 2.0, not only scaling and axis position are synchronized, but also space for category labels (padding)
Added various scripting functions
New option "Center Category Labels
New option "Tick Interval"
IE9 rendering error fixed
Heights of titles containing <br> fixed
Invalid datatypes error fixed
improved behavior in conjuntion with the Design Studio tabstrip
mismeasurements of texts fixed
horizontal scrolling on mobile devices
hatched fill pattern in IE
Deviation between Performance Measure 1 and Comparative Measure 1 can be displayed as colored bar
Data can be normalized to a target value
Bulletgraphs can be registered in global comparison groups
Support for SAPUI5 M mode- Included new context menu- Option to represent data label of performance value 1 in bar- Script functions added
Bugfixes- Alignment of category labels improved- No reserving of real-estate for surpressed micro pies- Tooltips now respond to locale settings- Prevent text shifting when showing long data labels
numeral.js adaptions
tooltip corrections
several smaller bug fixes
Height of bullet graphs is adjusted according to the selected data type
Shape of comparative markers is displayed according to the selected data type
Data types now support a dotted fill pattern
Mobile scrolling is now possible
Implemented tooltips for qualitative ranges
Formatted data from the data source is now supported
Font family can now be selected
Copy/Paste error fixed
Buggy color assignment fixed
Display of negative numbers is now possible
Long titles are now correctly aligned and are no longer cut off.
Scrollbars are only displayed if necessary
Fixed an auto width and auto height bug in conjunction with layout components
Selection of data columns and rows is now possible
Vertical padding between individual bullet graphs can now be adjusted
Additional Properties Sheet has been completely revised
Added a "clear" button for data series on the Additional Properties Sheet
All elements can now be styled with data types
Added a chart footer
Introduced a color configuration for qualitative ranges and comparative markers
Text color and color for axis labels can now be adjusted
Support for Extended Number Format
New property "locale" for language-dependent abbreviations in numeral.js
Optional suppression of repeating category labels
Tooltips can now be enabled
A single axis for all bullet graphs has been implemented
Value axes can be disabled
Micro Pies can be displayed in front of bullet graphs