en Runtime Interactivity Zoom Modi (bubbles)

en Runtime Interactivity Zoom Modi (bubbles)


The following four zoom modes Rectangular Selection, Rectangular Section, Magnification and Scaling Adjustment can be set in the graphomate property sheet in the tab Scaling under Zoom.

The selection None and Selection both activate the rectangular selection, whereby Selection only displays the previously selected sections on the axes, Magnify the magnification and Scale the scaling adjustment.

 Die Auswahl None und Selection aktivieren beide jeweils die Rechteck-Selektion, wobei bei Selection auf den Achsen nur noch die vorher selektierten Abschnitt deargestellt werden, Magnify die Vergrößerung und Scale die Skalierungsanpassung.


At runtime it is possible to select a set of bubbles in rectangular form using click&drag.  

Rectengular Selection

The rectangle selection behaves exactly like the None setting.

In addition, after the selection has been made (release the mouse button), the scaling is changed.

This way, only the bubbles that are located in the selected area are displayed. To zoom out again click on the background.


A section of the bubbles can be enlarged by means of the mouse wheel (scrolling).

The point at which the magnification is directed is determined by the position of the mouse pointer.

In addition, the displayed section can be moved by drag & drop

Scale Adjustment

This mode is similar in operation to the Magnification mode, i.e. using the mouse wheel (scrolling) and Drag&Drop. The scaling of the axes is then adjusted so that only a section of the bubbles is displayed. This section is determined by the position of the mouse pointer.

The displayed section can be moved by drag & drop.

For technical reasons, this mode is more complex and thus consumes more resources while expanding. As a result, too many bubbles lead to a delay in drawing. Internet Explorer also leads to a noticeable slowdown.

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