en GPS Tab2 Data (charts) SAC
Small MultiplesTo display so-called "small multiples" use the following options.: Split DimensionDetermine which dimension should be used as the split dimension for the calculation of the small multiples.
N CountDefines the number of charts to be displayed before the 'Rest' position.
Min Width [px]Defines the minimum width of each small multiple chart. Min Height [px]Defines the minimum height of each small multiple chart. If a split dimension is set, the option "Crop Category Labels" is activated and the respective member of the split dimension is displayed as the title regardless of the selected settings in the graphomate property sheet. | |
N + RestUse this option to restrict the number of members (N + Rest) of a dimension. N + Rest Pop UpYou can define one configuration of N + rest for the graphomate charts:
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SeriesWe have summarised the settings for series styling in a clearer way. First select the data series for which you want to make settings in the drop-down box. Series Series1 PropertiesHere you define the properties per series - jump between series with <PREVIOUS NEXT>.
The EDIT SCENARIO button takes you to the definition menu for scenarios.
Series Series1 Styles
Width can only be applied to column and bar charts. | |
Scenario DefinitionThe list element contains all definitions of scenarios in this diagram. By clicking on the + symbol a new scenario is created. When hovering over a list element, a red trash can appears, which implies that a scenario has been deleted. Import/ExportCopy this string to use scenarios in other graphomate charts components. Scenario Definition Pop-Up
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Scenario AssignmentThe scenarios can be assigned in two ways:
The scenarios are applied in the following order of precedence:
Scenarios In AxisIf the checkbox is activated, the scenarios of the first data series are displayed in the axes if Axis Thickness is greater than or equal to 3 [px]. Scenario LegendIf the checkbox is activated, a legend with the respective scenarios is displayed in the diagram. These can be changed later directly in the diagram by the user via a dropdown menu. The scenario legend is only functional in connection with the property "Scenarios by Series". Scenarios In DeviationsIf the checkbox is activated, the scenarios are shown in the deviations. Scenarios by DataselectionThis property determines which data is assigned to which scenario. Each configuration has the following properties:
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SelectionFade Out OpacityThis value determines to what extent chart elements should be hidden that are not selected. The value starts at 0.0 (completely hidden) and goes up to 1.0 (completely visible). | |
SAC Data BindingData Source TypeSince we introduced the graphomate shared datasource, you have the option to either directly bind a SAC model or use the shared source. Measure Dimension in RowsIf this checkbox is activated, measure names are used for the categories. This is useful, for example, if only key figures are displayed in a chart. Set VariablesThis is where you pass values for variables. Use Runtime DataIf this checkbox is activated, data from SAC standard components can still be used as a data source for the graphomate charts via scripting. |