Scripting Documentation

Scripting Documentation

Scripting Documentation of graphomate bubbles for SAP Lumira Designer

Rev 2.2. as of June 2019



The graphomate bubbles extension supports the Designer scripting language. This enables the user to dynamically interact with the add-on during runtime. Script commands include manipulation of the bubbles layout or setting of data. 

This document features a list of all currently available script commands. Please do not hesitate to contact us if any feature is missing. For this, you can use our online form.


The following events are available. User-made scripts can be deposited on the Standard Properties Sheet under the group Events.

Event NameDescription
On Element Clicked

Is triggered when the user clicks on a bubble at runtime. In order to allow a drilldown, it is necessary to react on the user input at this point. The return values of the following functions are updated at the moment of the event:

  • getSelectedMember() 
On Bubbles Selected

Is triggered when the user selects multiple bubbles at runtime using the rectangular selection or ctrl+click. In order to allow a drilldown, it is necessary to react on the user input at this point. The return values of the following functions are updated at the moment of the event:

  • getSelectedMemberTexts()
  • getSelectedMemberKeys()


The following functions are available in the graphomate bubbles extension. They can be addressed in the scripting editor of Designer. We differentiate between getter and setter functions as they get information from the extension or set its properties.

Getter NameExampleExample Return ValueDescription


#BBBBBBReturns the hexadecimal color value of the Arc dimension.


#FF0000Returns the hexadecimal color value of bad deviations.

GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getCategoryLabelColor();

#666666 Returns the hexadecimal color value of the Category Labels.

GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getCategoryLabelFontSize();

12Returns the font size of the Category Labels in [px].

GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getCircleColor();

#007CC1Returns the hexadecimal color value of the Circle dimension.

GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getDisplayAxisLabels();

trueReturns whether the axis labels are displayed or not.

GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getDisplayCategoryLabels();

auto Returns the mode used for displaying the Category Labels. In case of always, labels are always shown, auto hides colliding labels, and never hides all Category Labels.
getDisplayCircleLabels()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getDisplayCircleLabels();autoReturns the mode used for displaying circle labels. In case of always, labels are always shown, auto hides colliding labels, and never hides all circle labels.
getDisplayLegend()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getDisplayLegend();trueReturns whether the legend part of the chart is displayed.
getDisplayTitle()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getDisplayTitle();trueReturns whether the title of the chart is shown.
getDisplayValueLabels()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getDisplayValueLabels();true Returns if value labels are displayed next to the bubbles.
getDrawFullBoxes()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getDrawFullBoxes();trueReturns the property value for Draw Full Boxes. This describes whether the chart quadrants are sized evently, or if incomplete quadrants are allowed.
getExtendedNumberFormat()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getExtendedNumberFormat();-||.|,|1|1|Returns the format string used for the extended number formatting.
getFontFamily()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getFontFamily();ArialReturns the font family of all chart elements.
getGoodColor()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getGoodColor();#8CB400 Returns the hexadecimal color value of good deviations.
getLabelFormatMode() GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getLabelFormatMode();extendedReturns the mode which is used to format values. Depending on the setting, either the numeral.js or the extended format string are applied. Valid values are basic and extended.
getLegendFontSize()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getLegendFontSize();12Returns the font size of the legend elements in [px]. 
getLocale()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getLocale();enRetuns the value of the Locale property. Valid values are en, de, fr and auto.
getMaxRadius()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getMaxRadius();42Returns the largest radius in [px] a bubble can have.
getMinRadius()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getMinRadius();10Returns the minimal radius in [px] a bubble can have.
getNegativeDeviationIsGood()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getNegativeDeviationIsGood();falseReturns if negative deviations are regarded as good. If so, they are displayed in the Good color.
getNumeralJsString()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getNumeralJsString();0.0aReturns the numberal.js format string used for formatting numbers in basic labeling mode.
getPadding()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getPadding();25Returns the chart padding in [px].
getSelectedMember(Dimension dimensionKey, String series)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getSelectedMember("Keyfigures","x");OD_NWI_RCODAfter the user clicked on a Bubble in the drawing area this function returns the Member of the specified dimensionKey from chosen series. As series „x", „y", „circle", „arc" or „dev" can be chosen.  The member provides different properties such as text, internalKey and externalKey.
getSelectedMemberTexts(Dimension dimensionKey, String series)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1.getSelectedMemberTexts("CalYear", "circle");2009,2010,2011

After the user selected some Bubbles using the rectangular selection at runtime this function returns a list of member texts. The List contains texts of members of the dimension with the specified dimensionKey from chosen series which are included in the rectangular selection. As series „x", „y", „circle", „arc" or „dev" can be chosen.

getSelectedMemberKeys(Dimension dimensionKey, String series)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1.getSelectedMemberKeys("CalYear", "circle");TY09,TY10,TY11After the user selected some Bubbles using the rectangular selection at runtime this function returns a list of member keys. The List contains keys of members of the dimension with the specified dimensionKey from chosen series which are included in the rectangular selection. As series „x", „y", „circle", „arc" or „dev" can be chosen.
getTitle()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getTitle();Net Sales by AreaReturns the text of the chart title.
getTitleFontSize()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getTitleFontSize();18Returns the title font size in [px]. 
getTitlePadding()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getTitlePadding();10Returns the padding in [px] between the title and the main chart area.
getUseFormattedData()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getUseFormattedData();falseReturns whether the preformatted values from the data source are used in the chart.
getValueLabelFontSize()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getValueLabelFontSize();10Returns the font size of the value labels in [px].
getReserveSpaceForHiddenLabels()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getReserveSpaceForHiddenLabels();true

Returns whether the scaling of axes reserves space for labels hidden by the label decollision automatism.


GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getReserveSpaceForAnnotations();

trueReturns whether the label space of the axes should be big enough to fit in the annotations appearing on mouse over.
getManualXLabel()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getManualXLabel();Net SalesReturns the string used for the manual X Axis Series Label.
getManualYLabel()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getManualYLabel();Net SalesReturns the string used for the manual Y Axis Series Label.
getManualCircleLabel()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getManualCircleLabel();Net SalesReturns the string used for the manual Circle Series Label.
getManualArcLabel()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getManualArcLabel();Net SalesReturns the string used for the manual Arc Series Label.
getManualDevLabel()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getManualDevLabel();Net SalesReturns the string used for the manual Deviation Series Label.
getUseManualXLabel()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getUseManualXLabel();trueReturns whether the manual X Axis Series Label is used in the Diagram.
getUseManualYLabel()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getUseManualYLabel();trueReturns whether the manual Y Axis Series Label is used in the Diagram.
getUseManualCircleLabel()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getUseManualCircleLabel();trueReturns whether the manual Circle Series Label is used in the Diagram.
getUseManualArcLabel()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getUseManualArcLabel();trueReturns whether the manual Arc Series Label is used in the Diagram.
getUseManualDevLabel()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getUseManualDevLabel();trueReturns whether the manual Deviation Series Label is used in the Diagram.
getDisplayAnnotations()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getDisplayAnnotations();trueReturns whether Annotations are shown at the axis on mouse over.
getFillBubbles()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getFillBubbles();falseReturns whether the Bubbles should be filled with the Circle Series Color.
getCollisionAdjustmentFactor()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getCollisionAdjustmentFactor();3

Returns the collision adjustment factor used for the Recognition of colliding labels.

getDisplayOuterGridLines()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getDisplayOuterGridLines();true

Returns whether the outer grid lines are visible.

getDisplayInnerGridLines()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getDisplayInnerGridLines();true

Returns whether the inner grid lines are visible.

getFixedBeginOfXAxis()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getFixedBeginOfXAxis();100000

Returns the fixed value for the begin of the x axis.

getFixedEndOfXAxis()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getFixedEndOfXAxis();200000

Returns the fixed value for the end of the x axis.

getFixedBeginOfYAxis()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getFixedBeginOfYAxis();-500

Returns the fixed value for the begin of the y axis.

getFixedEndOfYAxis()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getFixedEndOfYAxis();500

Returns the fixed value for the end of the y axis.

getUseFixedBeginOfXAxis()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getUseFixedBeginOfXAxis();true

Returns whether the fixed begin of the x axis applies.

getUseFixedEndOfXAxis()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .geUseFixedEndOfXAxis();true

Returns whether the fixed end of the x axis applies.

getUseFixedBeginOfYAxis()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getUseFixedBeginOfYAxis();true

Returns whether the fixed begin of the y axis applies.

getUseFixedEndOfYAxis()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getUseFixedEndOfYAxis();true

Returns whether the fixed end of the y axis applies.

getSeries()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getSeries();

{'(MEASURES_DIMENSION)': 'budget', 'product':'5020'}

Returns the selection JSON string of the specified series.

getUseAbsoluteCircleValues()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getUseAbsoluteCircleValues();trueReturns whether the Bubbles' size should display the absolute values of negative data.
getContextMenuAvailable()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getContextMenuAvailable();trueReturns whether the context menu is available via right click.
getDisplayTooltip()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getDisplayTooltip();trueReturns whether the Bubbles should display a tooltip on mouse hover.
getHighlightOnHover()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getHighlightOnHover();trueReturns whether hovered bubbles should be emphasized by reducing the opacity of the other ones.
getLegendOffset()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getLegendOffset();5Returns the vertical offset of legend rows in px.
getLegendRadius()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getLegendRadius();10Returns the radius of the legend's preview bubbles in px.
getPerformanceLimit()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getPerformanceLimit();100Returns the limit of cells a selection is allowed to define. If the selection exceeds it, performance optimized bubbles will be displayed.
getZoomMode()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .getZoomMode();noneReturns the zoom mode.
getContextMenuCustomEventVisibility(int index)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1.getContextMenuCustomEventVisibility(1);false

Returns the visibility of a specified custom event in the Context Menu.

getContextMenuCustomEventName(int index)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1.getContextMenuCustomEventName(1);Custom Event 1Returns the name of a specified custom event in the Context Menu.
getContextMenuOptionVisibility(int index)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1.getContextMenuOptionVisibility(1);falseReturns the visibility of a specified option in the Context Menu. Use the following indices to access the options: 2 for Filters, 3 for Context Sensitive Filters, 4 for Filter and Hide, 5 for Clear Filters, 6 for Drilldown, 7 for Drillup, 9 for Member Display.
getConnectBubbles()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1.getConnectBubbles();falseReturns whether bubbles should be connected with other related bubbles.
getConnectOnHover()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1.getConnectOnHover();falseReturns whether bubbles connected with other related bubbles while hovering one bubble.
getHighlightedBubbles()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1.getHighlightedBubbles();South, EastReturns a string containing a comma separated list of selectors for bubbles which should be highlighted initially.
getConnectionMatcherIndex()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1.getConnectionMatcherIndex();1Returns the index of category label elements which is used for matching and connecting related bubbles. A value of -1 means that all bubbles will be connected.
getFadeOutOpacity()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1.getFadeOutOpacity();0.3Returns the value of the opacity which is applied to all bubbles which are not highlighted.
getXAxisMin()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1.getXAxisMin();0.0Returns the calculated min value for x axis.
getXAxisMax()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1.getXAxisMax();10000.0Returns the calculated max value for x axis.
getYAxisMin()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1.getYAxisMin();-50.0Returns the calculated min value for y axis.
getYAxisMax()GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1.getYAxisMax();50.0Returns the calculated max value for y axis.

Setter NameExampleDescription
setArcColor(string value)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setArcColor("#BBBBBB");Sets the hexadecimal color value for the dimension Arc.
setBadColor(string value)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setBadColor("#FF0000");Sets the hexadecimal color value for negative deviations.
setCategoryLabelColor(string value)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setCategoryLabelColor("#666666"); Sets the hexadecimal color value for Category Labels.
setCategoryLabelFontSize(integer value)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setCategoryLabelFontSize(12);Sets the font size of the Category Labels in [px].
setCircleColor(string value)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setCircleColor("#007CC1");Sets the hexadecimal color value for the dimension Circle.
setDisplayAxisLabels(boolean value)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setDisplayAxisLabels(true);Sets whether axis labels are shown or not.
setDisplayCategoryLabels(string value)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setDisplayCategoryLabels("auto");Sets the mode in which Category Labels are displayed. Always never hides labels, auto hides colliding labels, never hides all Category Labels.
setDisplayCircleLabels(string value)

GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setDisplayCircleLabels("auto");

Sets the mode in which circle labels are displayed. Always never hides labels, auto hides colliding labels, never hides all circle labels.
setDisplayLegend(boolean value)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setDisplayLegend(true);Sets whether the legend is displayed or not.
setDisplayTitle(boolean value)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setDisplayTitle(true);Sets whether the chart title is displayed or not.
setDisplayValueLabels(boolean value)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setDisplayValueLabels(true);Sets whether value labels will be displayed next to the bubbles.
setDrawFullBoxes(boolean value)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setDrawFullBoxes(true);Sets the property Draw Full Boxes. If set to true, only complete quadrants are displayed.
setExtendedNumberFormat(string value)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setExtendedNumberFormat("-||.|,|1|1|");Sets the extended number format string.
setFontFamily(string value)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setFontFamily("Arial");Sets the font family which is used for all chart labels.
setGoodColor(string value)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setGoodColor("#8CB400"); Sets the hexadecimal color value for positive deviations.
setLabelFormatMode(string val)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setLabelFormatMode("basic");Sets the mode which is used to format numbers. Dependent on the setting, either numeral.js or the extended formatting are applied. Valid values are either basic or extended.
setLegendFontSize(integer value)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setLegendFontSize(12);Sets the font size of the legend elements in [px]. 
setLocale(string value)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setLocale("de");Sets the Locale property. Valid values are de, en, fr and auto.
setMaxRadius(integer value)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setMaxRadius(42);Sets the maximal radius of all bubbles in [px].
setMinRadius(integer value)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setMinRadius(10);Sets the minimal radius of all bubbles in [px].
setNegativeDeviationIsGood(boolean value)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setNegativeDeviationIsGood(false); Sets whether negative deviations are regarded as good. If set to true, negative deviations will be displayed in the Good color.
setNumeralJsString(string value)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setNumeralJsString("0.0a");Sets the number format according to numeral.js which is used in basic label format mode.
setPadding(integer value)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setPadding(20);Sets the component padding in [px]. 
setTitle(string value)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setTitle("Net Sales by Area");Sets the chart title text.
setTitleFontSize(integer value)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setTitleFontSize(14);Sets the title font size in [px]. 
setTitlePadding(integer value)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setTitlePadding(5);Sets the padding between title and chart area in [px].
setUseFormattedData(Boolean)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setUseFormattedData(true); Sets whether the preformatted labels from the data source are used in the chart.
setValueLabelFontSize(integer value)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setValueLabelFontSize(12);Sets the font size of the value labels in [px]. 
setReserveSpaceForHiddenLabels(boolean reserveSpace)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setReserveSpaceForHiddenLabels(true);Sets whether the scaling of axes reserves space for labels hidden by the label decollision automatism.
setReserveSpaceForAnnotations(boolean reserveSpace)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setReserveSpaceForAnnotations(true);Sets whether the label space of the axes should be big enough to fit in the annotations appearing on mouse over.
setManualXLabel(String xLabel)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setManualXLabel("Net Sales");Sets the string used for the manual X Axis Series Label.
setManualYLabel(String yLabel)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setManualYLabel("Net Sales");Sets the string used for the manual Y Axis Series Label.
setManualCircleLabel(String circleLabel)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setManualCircleLabel("Net Sales");Sets the string used for the manual Circle Series Label.
setManualArcLabel(String arcLabel)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .etManualArcLabel("Net Sales");Sets the string used for the manual Arc Series Label.
setManualDevLabel(String devLabel)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setManualDevLabel("Net Sales");Sets the string used for the manual Deviation Series Label.
setUseManualXLabel(boolean useManualXLabel)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setUseManualXLabel(true);Sets whether the manual X Axis Series Label is used in the Diagram.
setUseManualYLabel(boolean useManualYLabel)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setUseManualYLabel(true);Sets whether the manual Y Axis Series Label is used in the Diagram.
setUseManualCircleLabel(boolean useManualCircleLabel)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setUseManualCircleLabel(true);Sets whether the manual Circle Series Label is used in the Diagram.
setUseManualArcLabel(boolean useManualArcLabel)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setUseManualArcLabel(true);Sets whether the manual Arc Series Label is used in the Diagram.
setUseManualDevLabel(boolean useManualDevLabel)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setUseManualDevLabel(true);Sets whether the manual Deviation Series Label is used in the Diagram.
setDisplayAnnotations(boolean displayAnnotations)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setDisplayAnnotations(true);Sets whether Annotations are shown at the axis on mouse over.
setFillBubbles(boolean fillBubbles)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setFillBubbles(false);Sets whether the Bubbles should be filled with the Circle Series Color.
addXGuideline(String guidelineValue)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .addXGuideline("150000");Adds a Guideline to the X Axis positioned at the passed value.
removeXGuideline(String guidelineValue)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .removeXGuideline("150000");Removes the Guideline with the passed value from X Axis.
setXGuidelineVisibility(String guidelineValue, boolean visibility)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setXGuidelineVisibility("150000", false);sets the visibility of the X Axis Guideline with the passed value.
setXGuidelineValue(String guidelineValue, String newGuidelineValue)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setXGuidelineValue("150000", "200000");sets the value of the X Axis Guideline with the passed value.
setXGuidelineColor(String guidelineValue, String colorHex)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setXGuidelineColor("150000", "#55FF55");sets the color of the X Axis Guideline with the passed value.
setXGuidelineWidth(String guidelineValue, int newWidth)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setXGuidelineWidth("150000", 3);sets the width of the X Axis Guideline with the passed value.
setXGuidelineLabel(String guidelineValue, String newLabel)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setXGuidelineLabel("150000", "Budget Limit");sets the label of the X Axis Guideline with the passed value.
setXGuidelineLabelBold(String guidelineValue, boolean bold)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setXGuidelineLabelBold("150000", true);Sets whether the label of the X Axis Guideline with the passed value is bold or not.
addYGuideline(String guidelineValue)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .addYGuideline("150000");Adds a Guideline to the Y Axis positioned at the passed value.
removeYGuideline(String guidelineValue)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .removeYGuideline("150000");Removes the Guideline with the passed value from Y Axis.
setYGuidelineVisibility(String guidelineValue, boolean visibility)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setYGuidelineVisibility("150000", false);sets the visibility of the Y Axis Guideline with the passed value.
setYGuidelineValue(String guidelineValue, String newGuidelineValue)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setYGuidelineValue("150000", "200000");sets the value of the Y Axis Guideline with the passed value.
setYGuidelineColor(String guidelineValue, String colorHex)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setYGuidelineColor("150000", "#55FF55");sets the color of the Y Axis Guideline with the passed value.
setYGuidelineWidth(String guidelineValue, int newWidth)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setYGuidelineWidth("150000", 3);sets the width of the Y Axis Guideline with the passed value.
setYGuidelineLabel(String guidelineValue, String newLabel)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setYGuidelineLabel("150000", "Budget Limit");sets the label of the Y Axis Guideline with the passed value.
setYGuidelineLabelBold(String guidelineValue, boolean bold)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setYGuidelineLabelBold("150000", true);Sets whether the label of the Y Axis Guideline with the passed value is bold or not.
setXGridLinesByStepCount(int stepCount)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setXGridLinesByStepCount(3);Configures Additional Grid Lines on the X Axis by the number of Steps between them. A Call with the parameter 0 deactivates the additional lines.
setYGridLinesByStepCount(int stepCount)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setYGridLinesByStepCount(3);Configures Additional Grid Lines on the Y Axis by the number of Steps between them. A Call with the parameter 0 deactivates the additional lines.
setXGridLinesByIntervalSize(float intervalSize)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setXGridLinesByIntervalSize(50000);Configures Additional Grid Lines on the X Axis by the size of an interval. A Call with the parameter 0 deactivates the additional lines.
setYGridLinesByIntervalSize(float intervalSize)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setYGridLinesByIntervalSize(50000);Configures Additional Grid Lines on the Y Axis by the size of an interval. A Call with the parameter 0 deactivates the additional lines.
setCollisionAdjustmentFactor(int factor)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setCollisionAdjustmentFactor(3);Sets the collision adjustment factor used for the recognition of colliding labels.
setDisplayOuterGridLines(boolean displayOuterGridLines)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setDisplayOuterGridLines(true);Sets whether the outer grid lines are visible.
setDisplayInnerGridLines(boolean displayInnerGridLines)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setDisplayInnerGridLines(true);Sets whether the inner grid lines are visible.
setFixedBeginOfXAxis(float beginOfXAxis)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setFixedBeginOfXAxis(10000);Sets the fixed value for the begin of the x axis.
setFixedEndOfXAxis(float endOfXAxis)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setFixedEndOfXAxis(200000);Sets the fixed value for the end of the x axis.
setFixedBeginOfYAxis(float beginOfYAxis)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setFixedBeginOfYAxis(-500);Sets the fixed value for the begin of the y axis.
setFixedEndOfYAxis(float endOfYAxis)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setFixedEndOfYAxis(500)Sets the fixed value for the end of the y axis.
setUseFixedBeginOfXAxis(boolean fixedBeginOfXAxis)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setUseFixedBeginOfXAxis(true);Sets whether the fixed begin of the x axis applies.
setUseFixedEndOfXAxis(boolean fixedEndOfXAxis)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setUseFixedEndOfXAxis(true);Sets whether the fixed end of the x axis applies.
setUseFixedBeginOfYAxis(boolean fixedBeginOfYAxis)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setUseFixedBeginOfYAxis(true);Sets whether the fixed begin of the Y axis applies.
setUseFixedEndOfYAxis(boolean fixedEndOfYAxis)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setUseFixedEndOfYAxis(true);Sets whether the fixed end of the y axis applies.
setSeries(String seriesName, String selection)

GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setSeries( "x", "{'(MEASURES_DIMENSION)':'budget','product':'5020'}");

Sets a selection for the specified series. A JSON-string is expected, that describes the data selection. An example selection string can always be retrieved from the respective data property (X Axis, Y Axis...). Use "x", "y", "circle", "arc" or "dev" for the series name.

setUseAbsoluteCircleValues(boolean useAbsoluteCircleValues)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setUseAbsoluteCircleValues(true)Sets whether the Bubbles' size should display the absolute values of negative data.
setContextMenuAvailable(boolean contextMenuAvailable)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setContextMenuAvailable(true)Sets whether the context menu is available via right click.
setDisplayTooltip(boolean displayTooltip)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setDisplayTooltip(true)Sets whether the Bubbles should display a tooltip on mouse hover.
setHighlightOnHover(boolean highlightOnHover)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setHighlightOnHover(true)Sets whether hovered bubbles should be emphasized by reducing the opacity of the other ones.
setLegendOffset(int legendOffset)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setLegendOffset(5)Sets the vertical offset of legend rows in px.
setLegendRadius(int legendRadius)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setLegendRadius(10)Sets the radius of the legend's preview bubbles in px.
setPerformanceLimit(int performanceLimit)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setPerformanceLimit(100)Sets the limit of cells a selection is allowed to define. If the selection exceeds it, performance optimized bubbles will be displayed.
setZoomMode(String zoomMode)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setZoomMode("none")Sets the zoom mode.
setContextMenuCustomEventVisibility(int index, boolean visibility)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setContextMenuCustomEventVisibility(1, true)

Sets the visibility of a specified custom event in the Context Menu.

setContextMenuCustomEventName(int index, String name)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setContextMenuCustomEventName(1, "My Custom Event")

Sets the name of a specified custom event in the Context Menu.

setContextMenuOptionVisibility(int index, boolean visibility)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setContextMenuOptionVisibility(1, true)

Sets the visibility of a specified option in the Context Menu. Use the following indices to access the options: 2 for Filters, 3 for Context Sensitive Filters, 4 for Filter and Hide, 5 for Clear Filters, 6 for Drilldown, 7 for Drillup, 9 for Member Display.

setConnectBubbles(boolean connectBubbles)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setConnectBubbles(true);Sets whether bubbles should be connected with other related bubbles.
setConnectOnHover(boolean connectOnHover)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setConnectOnHover(true);Sets whether bubbles connected with other related bubbles while hovering one bubble.
setHighlightedBubbles(String highlightedBubbles)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setHighlightedBubbles("South,West");Sets a string containing a comma separated list of selectors for bubbles which should be highlighted initially.
setConnectionMatcherIndex(int connectionMatcherIndex)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setConnectionMatcherIndex(1);Sets the index of category label elements which is used for matching and connecting related bubbles. A value of -1 means that all bubbles will be connected.
setFadeOutOpacity(float fadeOutOpacity)GRAPHOMATEBUBBLE_1 .setFadeOutOpacity(0.3);Sets the value of the opacity which is applied to all bubbles which are not highlighted.