Interactivity at runtime

Interactivity at runtime

The graphomate charts extension supports some features that can be used interactively at runtime.

If the option Excel Export Available in the  Input Output Tab is activated, at runtime on mouse-over an Excel export icon is displayed next to the chart, which enables you to export the chart as a JSON file. So the chart can copied also to MS Excel (as long as our add-in graphomate charts for Excel is installed).

Context Menu
If the option Context Menu in the Data Tab is activated, the Context Menu will be accessible during runtime by right clicking on the component. It allows special filtering (according to the settings made). A reload resets all changes made with the context menu.

PNG Export
If the option PNG Export Available in the  Input Output Tab is activated, at runtime on mouse-over a camera icon is displayed next to the chart, which enables you to export the chart as a PNG file. So the chart can copied as a PNG also to MS office applications.

If the option Tooltips is activated in the Labels Tab, Tooltips are displayed on the chart at runtime, showing the detailed information for that item.

User Highlights
Furthermore there is the possibility of creating so-called User Highlights at runtime and to store those with bookmarks (see Scripting). Simply click on the desired value in the dashboard while pressing the Alt-key to set the User Highlights.

Highlight Group
If the option Highlight Group is activated in the Emphasis Tab for a chart, all elements within this chart that have the same member combination (excluding Keyfigure Dimension) compared to the member combination of an element which is hovered by the user will be highlighted with a colored border. If, in addition to the first-mentioned chart, there are other charts with activated Highlight Group in the application, all elements whose member combination are each a superset of the member combination of the hovered element (exclusive Keyfigure Dimension) will be highlighted too. The highlight color can be customized for each chart using the Highlight Group Color option.

Example: In Chart 1, an element with the member combination A: = {"Atlantic", "New Brunswik"} is hovered by the user. Chart 2 has elements that have the member combinations B: = {"Atlantic", "New Brunswik", "Home Office"}. Since B is a superset of A (all elements of A  are contained in B: this includes the equality of A and B), these elements are highlighted accordingly. Conversely, if on select an element from Chart 2 with the member combination B, then the elements from Chart 1 with member combination A are no longer highlighted, since A is not a superset of B.

If you also want to include the Keyfigure Dimension (Measure) in the member combinations, you can activate the option Match Measures for each chart. As an example we extend the member combinations from the first example with a Keyfigure Dimension: A: = {"Atlantic", "New Brunswik", "Oder Quantity"} and B: = {"Atlantic", "New Brunswik", "Home Office", "Profit"}. Here, too, the behavior described above applies: when hovering an element with the member combination A, all elements whose member combinations are each a superset of A are highlighted. In this case, B is no longer a superset if A, so the members with member combination B are no longer highlighted.

Since the option Match Measures can be activated individually for each chart, a final example for the different behavior between the example charts mentioned above should be given. In the following case the option Match Measures is deactivated in Chart 1 and activated in Chart 2. If you now choose in Chart 1 an element with the member combination A: = {"Atlantic", "New Brunswik"} (with the keyfigure "Order Quantity"), all elements within Chart 1 are highlighted, whose member combinations are a superset of A. However, Chart 2 is different because the Match Measures option is enabled there. Only those elements whose member combinations are a superset of AMeasures := {"Atlantic", "New Brunswik", "Order Quantity"} are highlighted here.

Together with the charts you get a chart picker that has to be installed as a separate component (see Installation). The chartpicker allows interactive switching between the six possible chart types in time or structure mode during runtime. Via the event On Chart Type Changed, the chartpicker can be linked to a chart via the SAP internal scripting language. The following script shows this exemplarily:

var chartType = GRAPHOMATECHARTPICKER_1.getChartType();

var structureMode = GRAPHOMATECHARTPICKER_1.getStructureMode();

In the first block of code, the charttype getter function of the chartpicker (GRAPHOMATECHARTPICKER_1) is called, which returns the currently selected charttype of the chartpicker. The output is then passed to the charttype setter function of the desired chart (GRAPHOMATECHART_1). The same procedure is used in the second block with StructureMode, which indicates whether the chart is in Time (false) or Structure Mode (true).

With the properties Charttype and Rotated in the Standard Properties Sheet of the chartpicker, its initial charttype and mode (Time or Structure) can be determined.

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