Waterfall Calculation Path

Waterfall Calculation Path

A waterfall chart – often also called a flying bricks chart – shows how an initial value is increased (inflow) or decreased (outflow) by a series of values, which lead to a final value – if necessary with subtotals and spans.

For a flexible use of the waterfall in graphomate charts an additional Data Series has to be defined: the Waterfall Calculation Path. This Data Series determines, whether the value to be shown is an in- or an outflow value, a (sub-) total or a span.

In general, the sign of the data series value determines the effect on the (sub-) totals of the waterfall:

-       negative values are interpreted as outflow values,

+       positive values are interpreted as inflow values

Currently SAP Lumira Discovery automatically applies a sorting to the data series. Unfortunately this feature can’t be switched off and results in the fact that you can’t display your data in the same order it had in the original data source. In case of using structural data you could include the positional information as a prefix in the category names (eg. A_logCosts, B_admCosts, C…) to achieve the preferred order by sorting them alphabetically. As an alternative solution you could create a custom hierarchy with an additional level that holds positional information.

By defining the Waterfall Calculation Path the appearance and the sign of each waterfall element can be controlled independently. The following options can be used:

+  =  inflow

Positive signs are suppressed, the (+)-color is applied to the elements.

-   =  outflow

Negative signs are suppressed, the (-)-color is applied to the elements.

0 =  neutral position

All signs are shown, the (0)-color is applied to the elements.

=  =  (Sub-)total

The element starts at the value axis and the (=)-color is applied to those elements.

s- =  outflow span

With the help of a span single changes can be summarized starting from a (sub-)total. With an outflow span single cost items can be aggregated to a total cost. Corresponding to outflow elements (see above) negative signs are suppressed and the (s-)-color is applied to the elements.

s+ =  inflow span

With an inflow span single inflow items can be aggregated starting from a (sub-)total. Corresponding to inflow elements (see above) positive signs are suppressed and the (s+)-color is applied to the elements.

Please note:

The (-) and (s-)-values in the Waterfall Calculation Path also have an effect on the corresponding deviation charts: For negative values, which are now shown without signs based on the (-) and (s-)-entries, the sign and the orientation of the deviation is reversed by necessity. Otherwise there is a risk of misinterpretation.

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