Expert Properties

Expert Properties

Some (expert) features can only be controlled in the Basic Properties Sheet


If this value is not equal to 0, it indicates how many categories are shown. Excessive elements are cut off and missing elements filled up with empty categories.

Value Axis Tick Distance
Describes the space between the ticks of the value axis. But this is more a guideline as the ticks are always positioned on "even" values.


Deviation Bar Size Factor
The percentage width of the deviation bars in dependence of the element width in the Base Chart (only possible if Data Types are used).

Deviation Pin Line Black
Defines the color of the deviation pin line as black (or red/green).

Deviations Config
A JSON, which is depending on the settings of the deviations.


Bar Width
Thickness of the elements in stacked bar, waterfall and integrated deviation charts.

Ending Line Overlap
Right and left overlapping of the KPI-Ending-Lines above the bar.

Ending Line Thickness
Thickness of Ending-Lines.

Ending Line Color
Color of KPI-Ending-Lines.

Ending Line Visible
Should be Ending-Lines shown?

Line Dot Radius X, Line Dot Radius Y, Pin Head Radius X, Pin Head Radius Y
Specify the X- and Y-radius of the pin and line chart. The distinction into X and Y allows to create ellipses and suchlike.

Pin Width
Thickness of pin lines used within pin charts. With a Pin Width = "0" it is possible to realize a dot chart.

Space Factor Base Chart
Space occupied by the Base Chart. Formula for calculation of space: Factor / (Sum of all factors)

Space Factor Deviation Chart
Space occupied by a deviation chart. Formula for calculating the space: Factor / (Sum of all factors)


Collision Adjustment This property can be used to fine tune the collision algorithm used in the AUTO mode of the Element Labels position. The smaller the value, the more sensitive it is to collisions. Also negative values are possible.

Line Break Category Labels
The character or string at which point Category Labels are split into several lines. For example, using a space would change the label "ACT Jan 2001" in a label with three lines.

Line Break Axis Labels
The character or string at which point Axis Labels are split into several lines (similar to the property Line Break Category Labels).

Max Series Labels Width
Maximal width of data series labels, until the point where the Padding scales, too. If this value is exceeded the labels will be cut off.

Signed Labels
+/- sign of ALL values are shown.

Supress Zero Labels
Hiding Category Labels in case of zero values.

Supress Repeating Category Labels
Defines in which row of the Category Labels repeating labels should be suppressed. Expects the following format "true,false,true" and alike.

Offsetbar Chart

Offsetbar Deviation Labels On Top
Always show the labels of deviations in offset bar charts at the top. Otherwise, negative deviation labels will be shown within the bar.

Offsetbar Labels on Top
Show the labels of the offset bars above the bar and not within.

Offsetbar Offset on Left
Show the deviation bar of the offset bar chart on the left, not on the right. 


Negative /Positive Outlier Threshold
This is the value up to which everything in the chart automatically scales (if automatic scaling is selected). If one of the values in the data exceeds this value, it is then used as maximum. All values above the maximum value are represented as outliers accordingly.

Outlier Size
The dimension of the outlier sign in pixels.

Use Outlier Threshold
Determines whether the outlier threshold should be used (only in scale mode auto).

Scaling Helper

Scaling Helper Bar Line Width Specifies the thickness of the Scaling Helpers (see Helper Tab) when the type of the Scaling Helper is Line.

Stacked Bar Chart

Stacked Bar Negative Values
Should be negative values possible in stacked bar charts?

Stacked Bar Label Position
Determines where labels should be shown in a stacked bar chart: within or on the right side.

Stacked Bar Sums Visible
Should be sums shown above the stacked bars?


Synchronize Axes Position
Specifies whether the axis positions are adopted from the Comparison Group or whether these should be determined independently for the chart.

Synchronize Scaling
Specifies whether the scaling is adopted from the Comparison Group or whether it should be determined independently for the chart.

Synchronize Padding
Specifies whether the padding is adopted from the Comparison Group or whether it should be determined independently for the chart.

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