

The features of a graphomate charts for Lumira entity can be maintained by the storyboards property sheet. Once you have selected a chart in story board a property sheet appears. It enables you to browse the editable properties, grouped in five tabs. The Checkboxes  next to the features in the property sheet are used to control the visibility of chart elements or to turn a feature on and off. Colored buttons   depict the currently selected color for the belonging feature. A click on this button will open a color picker to determine a new appearance.

General Tab


The General Tab enables you to edit three types of labels. Their visibility can be adjusted in helper tab. The percentage deviation label addresses the percentage deviation chart and the absolute deviation label inscribes the absolute deviation chart. In the third text field you can enter a label for the base chart.

Appearance Tab


Set the font size, the font family and the font color for labels in the chart

Element Labels

If the Checkbox is activated, all elements of the chart will be labeled. The toggle buttons Fix/Auto determines the visibility of the labels:

  • Fix - Data labels are always visible.
  • Auto - Labels are hidden or moved in case of overlaps.


Moreover the Appearance Tab enables you to set the format of absolute and percentage values according to guidelines of numeral.js.

Locale sets the label country format. De, fr, en and auto are available options. By choosing auto the Locale will be retrieved from the Lumira preferences.


Set the colors for deviations. If positive deviations between measures and base values are not regarded as positive, for example for comparisons of actual vs. budget costs, activate the Checkbox Invert.

Outlier Mode

Choose the appearance of the outliers here. In the mode Short the outliers are shown as small triangles on the axis. In the mode Long they are drawn over the entire available area – according to the rules by IBCS.

Series Styles

In this editor the appearance of the data series is determined. You can set a color for each series.

Waterfall Styles

If using a waterfall chart, the colors of the elements of a waterfall can be set here - corresponding to the calculation path.

Behaviour Tab


Several charts can be scaled identically by using the same Comparison Group, which is activated by the checkbox and selected by the toggle buttons.

Padding and Spacing

Padding in [px] gives a margin to the chart. Spacing also in [px] denotes the space between base and deviation chart.

Category Axis

Activate the Checkbox to show the category axis. Size defines the thickness of the axis in [px].

With Category Width/Height the width of a category section can be defined as Fix in [px] or automatically set with Auto.

The parameter Element Offset determines the shift of elements on the Category Axis. Using the toggle button %/abs allows you to set the value in percent or absolute in [px]. Use negative values for a shift in the opposite direction.

Waterfall Calculation Path

To use a waterfall flexibly, it must be first determined whether the value to be displayed is either a total or an in- or outflow using an additional Data Series. This is carried out by using our so-called Waterfall Calculation Path (see input options on the right).

Suppress Zero Labels

If the Checkbox is activated, the labels of zero values are hidden – both in the Base Chart and in the deviation charts.

Helper Tab

Series and Axislabels

Activate the Checkboxes to show the data label on the data series or the axis. The chart will use the labels defined in the general tab


This function enables you to highlight the absolute and percentage difference between two elements. Activate the Checkbox and set an index for elements and series where the highlighting should start and end.

Value Axis

Activate the Checkbox Value Axis to show value axes and help lines according to the interval.


You have the option to set so-called Separators in the chart. These can be set automatically in case of varying Categories, or they can be set Manually – according to the selected toggle button.

  • Categories - Source Row determines the category row index according to which hierarchy level the Separators are shown.
  • Manual - The input field Separator Positions takes a list of comma separated position indexes which generates Separators at the corresponding position on the category axis.

Furthermore, you can define the Length, Thickness and Color of the Separators in [px].

Scaling Helper

Activate the appearance – line or area – and the position (value) of the Scaling Helper at this point. It will mark specific threshold in the chart and helps to understand the magnitude of values from charts with different scaling, if applied on both charts.

Info Tab

Here you can find the version number of our graphomate charts for Lumira as well as a link where you may report bugs or propose wishes for new features.

A list of all open-source libraries that we used can be found under Credits.

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