Sample WebIDE Project
- Jonas Volger (Unlicensed)
- Fynn Grandke (Unlicensed)
- Tim Schauder
Owned by Jonas Volger (Unlicensed)
Firstly you have to define the location of the graphomate resources as a resource root for your project. Moreover for each library you are using you have to respectively add the corresponding namespace to the libs property of the manifest's dependencies.
{ ... "sap.ui5": { "resourceRoots": { "graphomate": "./res/graphomate/" }, "rootView": { "viewName": "samplePage.view.xmlView1", "type": "XML" }, "dependencies": { "minUI5Version": "1.30.0", "libs": { "sap.ui.core": {}, "sap.m": {}, "sap.ui.layout": {}, "sap.ushell": {}, "sap.collaboration": {}, "sap.ui.comp": {}, "sap.uxap": {}, "graphomate.ui.charts": {}, "graphomate.ui.tables": {} } }, ... }
This view defines the extensions' namespace and creates a chart and a table. Examplarily "categoryLabels" is bound to a JSONModel, because of its two-dimensionality.
<mvc:View controllerName="samplePage.controller.xmlView1" xmlns:html="" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" displayBlock="true" xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:charts="graphomate.ui.charts" xmlns:tables="graphomate.ui.tables"> <App> <pages> <Page title="{i18n>title}"> <content> <HBox justifyContent="Center"> <items> <charts:Chart id="chartId" chartType="StackedBar" series1="5,2.5,3,6" series2="4.2,3.2,2.7,4.9" categoryLabels="{sampleModel>/seriesNames}"> <charts:deviations> <charts:Deviation label="Abs" type="Absolute" baseSeriesIndex="1" measureSeriesIndex="0" /> </charts:deviations> </charts:Chart> <tables:Table id="tableId"> <tables:rows> <tables:Row title="Ice Cream" hierarchyLevel="0" dataPerColumn="8,10" /> <tables:Row title="Banana" hierarchyLevel="1" dataPerColumn="28,3" /> <tables:Row title="Strawberry" hierarchyLevel="1" dataPerColumn="-20,7" /> <tables:Row title="Milkshakes" hierarchyLevel="0" dataPerColumn="2,6" /> <tables:Row title="Banana" hierarchyLevel="1" dataPerColumn="10,4" /> <tables:Row title="Strawberry" hierarchyLevel="1" dataPerColumn="-8,2" /> </tables:rows> <tables:columns> <tables:DataColumn id="actId" title="ACT" /> <tables:DataColumn id="budId" title="BUD" /> <tables:DeviationColumn id="devId" title="Abs" /> </tables:columns> </tables:Table> </items> </HBox> </content> </Page> </pages> </App> </mvc:View>
This Controller initializes a JSONModel and uses different ways of setting properties to the controls. /* global graphomate */ adds the library to the global namespace.
sap.ui.define([ "sap/ui/core/mvc/Controller", "graphomate/ui/enums/DeviationType" ], function(Controller) { "use strict"; /* global graphomate */ return Controller.extend("samplePage.controller.xmlView1", { onInit: function() { var data = { seriesNames: [["Apple", "Banana", "Citrus", "Strawberry"]] }; this.getView().setModel(new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel(), "sampleModel"); this.getView().getModel("sampleModel").setData(data); var tableDeviation = this.getView().byId("devId"); var tableData = { type: graphomate.ui.enums.DeviationType.Absolute }; tableDeviation.applySettings(tableData); tableDeviation.setBaseColumnId(this.getView().byId("actId").getId()); tableDeviation.setMeasureColumnId(this.getView().byId("budId").getId()); } }); });