

The topic of visualization is gaining in importance for fast and secure communication of information. Simple, but informative information provides support for decision-makers in the recognition of patterns and outliers.

Good information design gives you an overview of your business quickly and effectively.

graphomate charts for WebI

With the graphomate charts we have implemented HICHERT®IBCS as an easy-to-use application that is fully integrated into SAP BusinessObjects. Currently, you can use graphomate charts in SAP Lumira Designer, Microsoft Excel and now also in SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence. Also the rules of the information design according to Edward Tufte and Stephen Few can be reproduced with our graphomate charts.

graphomate tables for WebI

Charts, as can be implemented with our graphomate charts Extension, can be interpreted quickly and efficiently by our eye-brain system. They do not have to be "read" like tables. Tables have the advantage that they represent many information in a narrow space. They are therefore well suited for presenting detailed data and are of great importance in the application of BI systems.

Dashboards and BI applications should follow Ben Shneiderman's visualization approach: "overview first, zoom and filter, then details-on-demand"!

Diagrams provide a quick overview, tables provide detailed data at the end of the navigation path of a dashboard application. Our tabular component focuses on the easy-to-read visualization of information according to the rules of HICHERT®IBCS.

The graphomate tables are not an analytical component. Please use it only to display up to 1.000 cells.

graphomate bubbles for WebI

With graphomate bubbles we present a highly configurable visualization. The visualization is suitable to map a portfolio of values for a small number of objects on two value axes. A two-dimensional utilization as scatterplot supports up to 100 bubble elements. In addition it can be used as a „bubble chart" to find patterns and correlations in up to 5 dimensions of highly aggregated data. graphomate bubbles also focuses on the easy-to-read visualization of information according to the rules of HICHERT®IBCS.

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