

The extensions allow the user, in both design and view modes, to have some degree of interactivity away from the settings with options. This is described in more detail below.



When the Tooltips item is enabled in the Helper tab, tooltips appear on the chart that display detailed information for the item.


Collapsible Hierarchies

If the Collapsible option is enabled on hierarchy in the Behavior tab, hierarchical representations of the dimensions in the dashboard can be opened and closed.

Filter Box

A filter function is implemented in the first line of the graphomate tables on the upper left. At runtime, simply type letters or regular expressions into this upper-left cell, and only the table rows containing these letters are shown. The case is not case-sensitive.


Highlight on Hover

The graphomate bubbles provide the functionality to selectively show all the information associated with a single Bubble. To highlight a data point use your mouse to hover over a single Bubble. Now all the values, labels and annotations will be displayed.

Zoom Modes

The following four Zoom Modes Rectangular SectionMagnification and Scaling Adjustment can be set under Labels / Scaling Zoom Mode. Following selections are possible:  Rect the rectangular section, Magnify the magnification and Scale the scale adjustment.

Rectangular Section 

After the selection has been made (releasing the mouse button), the scaling is changed.

So that only the bubbles, which are in the selected area, are shown.


A section of the bubbles can be enlarged by means of the mouse wheel (scrolling).

The point at which the magnification is directed is determined by the position of the mouse pointer.

In addition, the displayed section can be moved by drag & drop.

Scale adjustment 

This mode behaves in the same way as the Magnification mode, i.e. Scrolling and drag & drop.

The scaling of the axes is then adjusted so that only a portion of the bubbles is displayed. This section is determined by the position of the mouse pointer.

The displayed section can be moved by drag & drop.

For technical reasons, this mode is more complex and thus consumes more resources while expanding. As a result, too many bubbles lead to a delay in drawing. Internet Explorer also leads to a noticeable slowdown.


Depending on the data set, Bubbles can be drawn with the same X and Y position and the same radius. The accumulations of bubbles are then characterized by the fact that they lack any labeling and the border is drawn thicker.

If the mouse is hovered over such a Cluster of bubbles, the underlying bubbles fan out aside. The front bubble is displayed completely including their labels.

If one of the fanned bubbles is now hovered, this one is brought to the foreground and displayed in the correct (original) position with its labels.

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