Labels (charts)

Labels (charts)


Show Category Labels

By activating this checkbox, the category labels are displayed in the diagram. These are automatically determined from the metadata of the data series.

Show Title

If the checkbox is activated, the title is displayed.

Label Positioning Mode

The None, Fix, and Auto buttons control the data labels (labels):

  • None: No labels are displayed.
  • Fix: The labels are always displayed.
  • Auto: If labels are overlapping, labels are dimmed or offset - using Collision Adjustment - see next setting.
Collision Adjustment

Adjusts the collision algorithm of the labels of the AUTO mode of the element labels. The smaller the value, the more sensitive the collision algorithm. Negative values are also allowed.

Signed Labels

Signs before all values are displayed.

Number Format (Percentage), Extended Number Format (Percent)

See Number Format.

Series Labels Left/Top, Series Labels Right/Bottom

Select the checkboxes to display the data label on the data series.

Label Format Mode

See Number Format.

Suppress Zero Labels

The data label at zero values are dimmed.

Suppress Repeating Category Labels

Controls line-by-line, whether to suppress repeating category labels or whether to display them. Entries are made individually for each line, for example: „true, false, true“.

Axis Labels Left/Top, Axis Labels Right/Bottom

Activate the checkboxes to display the legend on the axes.

Max Series Labels Width

Maximum width of data row labels until the padding scales with. If this value is exceeded, the labels are truncated.

Line Break Category Labels

The character or string, replacing category labels on several lines. Thus, with a space from the label "ACT Jan 2001" would be a three-line label.

Line Break Axis Labels

The character or string, where the axis labels are split into several lines (similar to the PropertyLine BreakCategoryLabels).

Series Labels

In order to overwrite the series labels, which are displayed on show series labels, for example, others can be specified here. The labels for the series are separated by commas, e. g.: Budget, Actual

Axis Labels

Enter here separated by a comma, which label should be displayed on the left and which on the right of the axis. The first element is then left and the second right.


See Number Format.

Labels With Shadows, Label Shadow Color

Shadows with defined colors can be added in order to distinguish fonts more clearly from possible background colors.

Category Label Rotation

Specifies the angle at which the category labels are rotated. The rotation is counterclockwise.

Tooltip Number Format, Tooltip Number Format Percentage, Tooltip Extended Number Format, Tooltip Extended Number Format Percentage

Define the display of the numbers in the tooltip. See Number Format.

Value Replacement: NULL

If set, all NULL values are represented by this string

Value Replacement: Zero

When set, all 0 values are represented by this string

Value Replacement: Infinity

If set, all infinity values are represented by this string


At this point, a title can be created for the chart. Line breaks are possible with a pipe (|).


Pick Labels

If this option is enabled, you can use subordinate settings to control which labels to display based on specific criteria. Only those labels will then be displayed to which the selected criteria apply. There are the following options:

Force First Value Label

The first label of a series is shown

Force Last Value Label

The last label of a series is shown

Force Min Value Label

The value minimum of each series is displayed

Force Max Value Label

The value maximum of each series is displayed

Force Before Separators

All values in front of a separator are displayed. This option depends on the settings under Separators

Force Peak Labels

This option displays local minima and maxima. What is a local minimum / maximum can be controlled by the option Minimum Peak Size in %.

Minimum Peak Size

Determines how much values must deviate from their neighbors to be considered a local minimum / maximum.

Check Only Leading Values For Peaking

The peak calculation only refers to the previous value; the following value is not taken into account

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