

The installation of the graphomate server should be carried out by a person with the necessary knowledge and access rights (e. g. system administrator).

  1. Move the graphomate-server.war to the webapps directory of a tomcat server. For example, you can use the Tomcat server of the BI platform (BIP)(e. g. C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\tomcat\webapps).

    Depending on the Tomcat configuration used, a restart is required to deploy the WAR file.

  2. To test if the server has been installed successfully
    1. The server URL is http://<URL OF Tomcat>/graphomate-server, e. g. http://bip.super-corp.com:8080/graphomate-server

    2. When you open it in the browser, you should see some information about the server.
  3. If you like to view the admin panel you can add a /admin to the server URL.

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