Table Module

Table Module

The Table Module can be used to display several measures in a tabular form, either as absolute values or percentage (Value Display).

Color Display governs the text color of the table.

The option Start Element can be used to determine the first element in the data series to be displayed. If e. g. a 5 is entered, the table starts with the 5th element in the data series; elements 1 to 4 are skipped.

Number of Elements narrows the displayed elements to the number entered.

With Max. Font Size, the maximal font size is determined; up to this value (in pixels), the text will scale with the tile.

If the options Units or Scaling Factor are active, the table will show these preceding the first value, provided they are contained in the data source.

For ease of reading, the option Alternating Background  Color can be used to toggle light-grey bars in the background of every other line.