miscellaneous bugfixes stability and performance improvements2021.4
miscellaneous bugfixes
stability and performance improvements
- fixed minor layout issue
- changed the versioning schema to match other graphomate components
- improved stability of auditing
- getSelectionsForLayoutSlot(indexOfLayoutSlot) added
- getSelectionsForLayoutSlotBack(indexOfLayoutSlot) added
- Tiles and Lumira versions are now added to created templates
- fixed an issue where color and trending sign point in the wrong direction in KPI footer module
- fixed a compatibility issue with Lumiras authoring component
2.1.x Hotfix
- fixed an issue where getVisibleSide() wasn't working correctly
- fixed different minor issues
- fixed an issue where where different deprecated options for suffix in the Standard Properties Sheet were available
- fixed an issue in the KPI Module where NULL values have been shown as NaN instead of a "-"-symbol
- fixed an issue in the Free Text Module which lead to wrong text breaks
- fixed an issue for the display of the Basic Number Format Value
- biexportWaitForComponent() added
- KPI Module: new option "Show As Percent". If activated adds an %-Symbol to the shown value
- Title Module: the position of the title is now changeable to left, center and right
- Tiles are now auditable
- Server Tab added
- Tiles are now templatable
- Slopegraphs Module added
- Column Series Module added
- Additional Properties Sheet has been updated
- fixed an issue where divider lines on mobile platforms were not drawd correctly
- fixed an issue which prevented the linechart-module from rendering the areas correctly
- fixed an issue which showed the zero values in the bullets-module not correctly
- fixed a performance bug which leaded to time-outs in Lumira Designer 2.1
- numbers formatted with the Extended Number Format will now be rounded consistently across browsers
- filtering the data source so that only a single value remains will no longer cause errors
- fixed an issue with demo data in the Table Module after filtering and resetting the filter
- Properties "manualScaleMin" and "manualScaleMax" are now databound
- SAP UI5 icons in the Title Module and the Icon Module can now be addressed with the full unicode notation
- fixed a bug that led to wrong category labels after changes to the initial view
- if the data source is removed from the Tiles component, the "Assign data source" overlay will reappear
- fixed a bug where the module icon did not stick to the mouse pointer while dragging it to the Layouter.
- Stacked Column Module now has no more problems with NULL values.
- fixed a bug that showed demo data in the Title module again.
- fixed a bug in the Bullet Graph module that resulted in too large texts
- 9 new layouts with up to three rows and three columns have been added.
- added script command "getModuleProperty": reading the current module settings by script is now possible.
- the Additional Properties Sheet has been reworked
- Flip Effect: it is now possible to define a second modules configuration which will be used for the backside of the tile.
- new module: Sparklines. This module visualizes either the full resultset or a subset as a series of miniature linecharts.
- Linechart Module: new option "Multi Line Category Labels". If this option is activated, category labels will be displayed as a column, instead of next to each other.
- Title Module: new option "Absolute Label Height". If this is deactivated, the text will shrink to fit the available space.
- full Comparison Group support: as of verion 2.0, not only scaling and axis position, but also space for category labels (padding) is synchronized between Tiles.
- Legend Module no longer shows demo data during runtime
- KPI Module no longer reserves space for metadata if none are present
- Background color and Hover color of a tile can be set on the standard properties tab
- Usability improvement: module configurations on the Modules tab can be expanded and collapsed. A clickable preview element indicates the position of the module in the tile layout.
- New Module: Free Text Module with up to three lines.
- New Module: Icon Module that displays either a SAP UI5 icon or one of 19 predefined SVG symbols
- Slot widths can be changed individually
- fixed an error that occured after assigning data without data source
- fixed an error in conjunction with auto width and auto height
- fixed an error that occured when trying to switch data sources by script
- view modules without data no longer influence the comparison group
- view modules registered in a comparison group are now correctly removed from the comparison group if replaced by another module
- KPI module no longer switches to demo data if an invalid selection is assigned by script
- massive performance improvement in modules with adaptive font sizes (KPI, bar, column and stacked column)
- pie module label positioning improvements
- optional scaling helper in bar and column module
- new module: waffle module
- table module: for improved discrimination, rows can now have an alternating light-grey background
- modules with demo data (without assigned data series) are now displayed transparent
- the script function getSelectedMember now returns the members of dimension of the clicked element, instead of only the actually selected
- TitleModule: spacing error fixed when no icon is displayed
- moving viewmodules from the first slot to a different slot is not possible anymore
- BulletgraphModule: no category labels error fixed
- cut-off text fixes in several viewmodules
- selected layout was initially set twice, leading to double-rendering
- LinechartModule: NULL values are no longer interpreted as 0; instead, the line is cut off
- LinechartModule: if Secondary Measure is selected as Threshold, the difference areas are now colored in green or red
- LinechartModule: value axis available
- Fontfamily can be changed component-wide
- PieModule: positioning of labels
- Tiles can be registered in global comparison group
- Enabled manual scaling
- Thickness and color of component border
PieModule: the deviation calculation was reversed; if the deviation value is greater than the arc value, this is now regarded as bad, leading to a red deviation flag
- Alignment of measure in KPI module
- Error handling of umlauts and special characters in text inputs
- Titel module: fixing opacity error
- Layout will not reset to Layout100 anymore
- PieModuole: Javascript errors for very small canvases
- TitleModule: SVG icon reacts to Good/Bad-Color
- TitleModule: Support for the SAPUI5 icons
- All visible elements now have a css class to enable direct css styling
- LegendModule: support for user defined colors
- Better support for PDF-export from BIExcellence
Support for SAPUI5 M mode
- URL encoding for text input fields
- improvements of the label positions of the pie module
- Fixed a display error in the Title Module
- Fixed an error with the category labels in the Bullet Graph Module
- Wrong display of percentages in standard number format fixed
- Fixed the dropdown boxes on the Additional Properties Sheet
- Fixed a problem with the automatic scaling in the Bar Module
- New module: Columns Module
- New module: Stacked Columns Module
- Implemented manual data input in Footer Module and KPI Point Module
- Implemented a padding for the individual layout slots
- Bar Module: text can now be set to fixed size
- BarModule: Skalierung der Schriftgröße ist fix einstellbar
- Unified the behavior of demo data during designtime and runtime in all viewmodules
, multiple selections available,