Icon Module

Icon Module

The Icon Module can be used to depict a single icon. This can be chosen from 19 predefined SVG symbols or the full set of SAP UI5 icons.

Use the dropdown box Icon to choose the desired icon.

Icon Color governs whether one of the component-wide colors a an individually configurable color is used. If "Neutral Color" is chosen, the "Text Color 2" will be used.

The field SAPUI5 Icon Id allows to insert an icon of the SAPUI5 library, for example, e00a for a synchronize button. To display the icon, select SAPUI5 Icon under Icon and write the Icon ID into the appropriate field. 

Max. Size is the maximal size of the icon in px. If the slot is too small, the icon is reduced in size proportionally.

The dropdown boxes Vertical Position and Horizontal Position influence the positioning of the text lines within the module.

Please only use the icons from the namespace sap-icon:// .