



  • fixed an issue that lead to temporal number formats (hh:mm:ss) of negative values producing a wrong overflow to the next unit


  • stability and performance improvements



  • fixed an issue that lead to dotted fill patterns not being displayed


  • stability and performance improvements



  • fixed an issue that lead to the filter box to become visible, despite being disabled, when selecting the empty cell at the upper left corner
  • fixed scripting method setExpandTo not working when called with initial value after manually collapsing nodes
  • fixed an issue with data type bars not being filled completely on odd browser zoom levels
  • fixed an issue that resulted in screen readers reading in another language than the browser language
  • fixed an issue that lead to the software certificate being recognized as invalid


  • changed the versioning schema to match all other graphomate components



  • fixed a bug that caused the BIAL method setHierarchyStates to malfunction
  • fixed a bug that caused the cells highlighted by the highlight group not being resetted to default color when the cursor left them in Internet Explorer


  • changed the calculation of the micro pies' share from cellValuetarget / totalsource to cellValuesource / totalsource 
  • added compatibility with WAI-ARIA compatible Screenreaders
  • added property Ignore Multiple Currency Values that causes deviations of values representing an aggregation of multiple currencies to not being shown

Note: While implementing the screen reader compatibility we changed the dom structure of the table's title that causes the following css selections to not work anymore:

  • selections using the direct child operator > to select the title div (the title element is now part of the <table> tag)

  • selections assuming the title element is of node type <div> (we swapped it with the more semantic <caption> tag )



  • fixed a bug that lead to rendering issues with Deviation Charts when property 'Width Per Column' was used


  • Prepared tables for compatibility with commenting solutions from five1 to catch up with graphomate charts and tiles



  • fixed a bug that triggered a user highlight when using alt+tab to change applications and switching back to the browser window using a mouse click
  • fixed an issue that lead to incorrect display of the hierarchy nodes when property Show Scaling Factor was used
  • fixed an issue that lead to line breaks not working in some rare cases
  • fixed an JavaScript error "remote is not defined" that occurred when using third party pdf export solutions and in some other scenarios
  • fixed an incomatibility issue that occurred when the Lumira Designer standard component called "Authoring" was used in the same Application
  • fixed a bug that lead to In Cell Charts overflowing their cell when Width per Column was used
  • fixed an issue with the Additional Properties Sheet which caused changes in the column visibility to not get applied in some cases
  • fixed BIAL scripting methods to set and get deviation labels which weren't behaving as expected


  • implemented the Highlight Group to be used in conjunction with other instances of tables, charts and bubbles
  • changed the color properties to be selected in an actual color picker when using the Standard Properties Sheet
  • prepared the tables for parallel processing of data sources
  • changed the appearance of hierarchy nodes without sums to match the styling of other, regular sum nodes



  • fixed an issue that lead to Row Format Configuration style 'datatype' not being applied
  • fixed an issue that prevented the context menu from being displayed
  • fixed script method getChangedInput to return a valid string value
  • fixed an issue that prevented hierarchy states from being saved when Save Hierarchy States was enabled and Use Hierarchy Marker was disabled
  • fixed an issue that prevented hierarchy states from being saved when hierarchy nodes were rendered without sum values


  • New Data Type Filltype Hatched Up Bold und Hatched Down Bold
  • onInputChanged event now only fires on enter or click away instead of firing on every button press



  • fixed missing positive signs of deviation labels when using row format configuration to apply an extended number format to deviation columns
  • fixed a bug that lead to a number format not getting applied to deviation columns of a table which contains formatted data
  • fixed a bug that prevented units of formatted data from being displayed at the column header in some cases
  • fixed the incorrect coloring of column headers when they include numbers and the heatmap is being used
  • fixed a bug that caused the table to reset hierarchy states when initially using the context menu 


  • added a feature set which enables table components to use graphomate server functionalities
  • added methods .show() and .hide() to the BIAL scripting interface
  • added prefixed meta data CSS classes to DOM elements to prevent them from possibly beginning with a digit (e.g. column-revenue or row-Y0GZ)
  • changed the error behavior of scripting methods, including getClickedElement, getClickedSeries and getSelectedMember to preferably returning -1 or undefined instead of throwing an error
  • added the ability to hide redundant units if a column of formatted data contains a unit for every cell using the property Suppress Repeating Units



  • Fixed a bug that lead the filter box to be not accessible on mobile devices
  • Solved an issue that in some cases lead to an performance decrease over time


  • Improved the manual outliers to work with absolute and percentage deviation charts as well as with In Cell charts
  • Improved scroll behavior to be usable on a wider range of mobile browsers
  • Added scripting methods to set and get the visibility and names of context menu custom events



  • Solved an issue where some context menu functionality did not work properly in Lumira Designer 2.1
  • Solved an issue that lead to double rendered deviation labels in exported pdf documents when using Design Studio 1.6


  • Refactoring and compatibility improvements for Lumira 2.1
  • Added many scripting methods for a more comprehensive scriptability
  • Added data binding for some data related properties in the Standard Properties Sheet
  • Added the Property "Save Selected Member On Right Click"



  • Solved an issue that lead to a wrong alignment of fixed headers and their columns when changing the hierarchy states during runtime
  • Row Format Configuration icons placed in the row title column won't overlap their cells' text anymore
  • Solved an issue with context menu availability for tables placed in container components
  • Solved displaying issues for tables with only one row of data
  • Solved a rare issue that lead to an incorrect number format getting applied to percent deviation labels
  • Solved an issue that lead to a wrong assignment of data types when preceding columns were hidden


  • Implemented a new rounding algorithm to ensure a consistent rounding of numbers in different browsers



  • Locale option not functional
  • Solved problems with labels in deviation columns
  • Ignore attribute columns for data types
  • Fixed issue regarding click events in Safari on iOS


  • New and improved Additional Property Sheet-Design
  • In Cell-charts
  • table as Heatmap
  • Sortable Row Headers, e. g. for butterfly tables
  • Scripting language enhancements
  • Width per Column accepts max width as input
  • New mode for deviation pin heads for IBCS compliant display
  • Outlier threshold
  • Automatic storing of hierarchy states is possible
  • Text replacement via Row Format Configuration
  • New data types shape "wedge"
  • Attribute columns are now sortable (only via standard properties)



  • Additional Property Sheet: Small bug fixes and UI improvements
  • fixed problem with number formats in case that option "Deviations from Null" is enabled
  • some minor improvements regarding (sum border) dividers
  • fixed row order issue for explicit post-order hierarchies


  • new Expand Event: Fires if a hierachy node is expanded or collapsed
  • option to replace empty-, null- and infinity-values
  • option for a separat pin head color
  • option "Exceptions from Null" to handle null values in exceptions explicit
  • css classes for exceptions
  • if the filter helper is not enabled, it is not longer possible to apply a filter (by the user)
  • added CSS classes for deviation elements (e. g. deviation axis)
  • new exception shapes ("Triangle Up" and "Triangle Down")



  • problem with structures
  • option "Use formatted data" not functional
  • getSelectedMember returns false member (wrong indexing)
  • "Number Format Per Column": percent number formats not functional in any case
  • problem with data selections containing explicit hierarchy nodes
  • "Filter String" option is not applied on application startup
  • exceptions with invisible source do not show up
  • row format configuration style "Data Types per Row" not functional



  • some fixes regarding fixed table headers
  • better support for iOS 9+
  • many small improvements for Row Format Configuration edge cases


  • Row Format Configuration with style "Number Format" is now available for deviation columns
  • condition operator "Contains" supports regular expressions
  • Selected Member script function returns column members
  • new solution to keep hierarchy navigation states
  • column header cells show multiple dimensions
  • Row Format Configuration supports hierarchy level, row index and member-key as condition operator
  • new option to prevent line breaks in header cells



  • padding adjustment
  • debugging some minor issues


  • performance improvements (width, height, text width)
  • mobile scrolling event optimized
  • behavior for NULL values unified



  • Comparison group, scaling, highlighting and fixed table header improved
  • Overlay for "Assign a Data Source" and for non-supported selection at run-time
  • Hierarchy sign (x/-) doesn't trigger onClick-Event anymore
  • Performance improvements for usage of the context menu
  • iOS9.1 mobile compatibility
  • Filter input und scrolling for mobile
  • Firefox compatibility fixed


  • Highly customizable row formatting
  • Support for SAPUI5 M mode
  • Manual scaling and outlier threshold for deviation charts
  • Hierarchy level doesn't change after property update
  • Option to choose between +/- and row content (member) when clicking on row header for hierarchy drilldown
  • "Left Padding in Em" now sets the left padding of the first column
  • Possibility to toggle between multiple colors by click when using highlights
  • Table content is editable at runtime (e. g. for planning)
  • Internal scaling group is switched off by default 
  • Possibility to set a factor for the size of deviation labels
  • Better support for PDF-export from BIExcellence
  • New option to determine the usage of NULL values for deviation calculations



  • Indizierung der Expand-to-Level-Option beginnt jetzt auch bei 1
  • Umfangreiches Bugfixing


  • Separate Spalte zur Anzeige von Attributen
  • Kontextmenü 
  • Skalierungsgruppe (komponentenübergreifend)
  • Trendpfeile mit Farbwahl als Exceptions
  • Annotationen zur Nutzung mit Bookmarking
  • Implementierung von Ausreißern und Darstellung nach IBCS
  • Dotted Data Type
  • Alert Level aus BW-Query für Exceptions nutzbar
  • Suppress Zero Labels-Option im Additional Property Sheet (APS)
  • Hinweis auf Skalierungsgruppe zur Design Time in der Komponente (oben rechts)
  • Freie Farbwahl für die Pins in Abweichungsdiagrammen
  • Performanceoptimierungen
  • Scrollen auf mobilen Geräten implementiert
  • Null-Werte Unterdrückung für Abweichungsdarstellung überarbeitet
  • Im APS werden nur vorhandene Serien als Auswahlmöglichkeit für die Deviations angeboten



  • Verbesserungen der Zeichenroutine der Tabelle
  • Positionierung der Exceptions korrigiert


  • Tabellenspalten für Datenserien und Abweichungen nun frei über UI positionierbar
  • Übernahme des Zellformats direkt aus Data Source ("Formatted Data")
  • Titelzeile kann fix gesetzt werdenbeim Scrollen
  • Zur Laufzeit werden keine Default-Daten angezeigt
  • Durchgezogene Darstellung der Abweichungsachsen
  • Semantische Achsen möglich
  • Scaling und Units unter Spaltentitel anzeigbar
  • Schriftart für Tabelle einstellbar
  • Option zur Unterdrückung von Null-Werten
  • Mehrfach-Auswahl von Tabellenzellen für Filterung
  • Neue Property LOCALE zur Abbildung Tausender- und Dezimaltrennzeichen
  • erste Spalte - Zeilentitel - nun für Skripte als "Trigger" nutzbar
  • Positionierung der Exceptions auch direkt vor und hinter den Werten möglich
  • Leere Zeilen der Data Source werden nicht ausgeblendet
  • Lupe im Filter-Input wird bei Eingabe ausgeblendet
  • Erweiterung der Skriptsprache: alle Properies über Skript setzbar
  • setDeviationLabels analog zu den seriesLabels (auch für Skriptsprache)



  • Namen der Datenserien werden in der UI nun korrekt übernommen, wenn neue hinzukommen
  • 0.0-Werte werden in den Deviations nicht mehr angezeigt
  • getSelectedMember ohne vorherigen Klick löste Fehler aus
  • Problem mit der Darstellung der Deviations in Firefox gefixt
  • Ausrichtung der Exceptions in der ersten Spalte korrigiert
  • Leere Selektion führt nicht mehr zu fehlerhafter Darstellung


  • Micro Pies als Exception Icons nutzbar
  • Breite ist spaltenweise einstellbar
  • Filterbox in Abhängigkeit zur Breite der Spalte
  • fette Linien über Summenzeilen
  • Spalten mit Null-Unterdrückung aus BEx-Query führen nicht mehr zu Verzerrung der Spaltendarstellung
  • Data Debugger eingebaut, welcher Datensnapshots und Remote-Logs ermöglicht ((Alt+Strg+Shift) dann q+w) 



  • Deviation-Charts verursachen zur Laufzeit keine Fehlerausgabe auf der Konsole mehr, wenn negative Breiten auf rect-Elementen liegen
  • Value Format Extended - Scaling 1 führte zu falscher Skalierung - Division durch 10 - Problem behoben
  • Ausrichtung der Alerts gefixt
  • Problem mit NULL-Werten in Abweichungen behoben
  • Problem mit 0-Werten in Abweichungen behoben


  • Text für die Filterbox ist vom Designer setzbar (auch über die Skriptsprache)
  • Text für die Filterbox unterstützt reguläre Ausdrücke
  • Optionen im NumberFormat-Editor wurden erweitert (analog zu den Charts)
  • visibleSeries in Skript-Sprache integriert
  • Tabellen-Zellen haben als cursor den pointer
  • Spalten- und Zeilentitel sind ausblendbar (auch über Skriptsprache)
  • CSS Klassen für Spalten, Zeilen, Dimensionen etc.
  • Labels für Deviations sind an- und ausschaltbar
  • UI: Überschrift für Size und Color ergänzt (analog zu Charts)

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