Interactivity at Runtime
Gregor Große-Bölting (Unlicensed)
Tim Schauder
Stefanie Schröder (Unlicensed)
The graphomate tables extension supports some features that can be used interactively at runtime. Many (but not all) of these functions can be configured on the Additional Properties Sheet.
Collapsible Hierarchies
If the option Collapsible in Hierarchy in the Behavior tab is activated, hierarchical orders of dimensions can be used interactively with drilldown and roll-up during runtime.
Context Menu
If the option Context Menu in the corresponding tab is activated, the Context Menu will be accessible during runtime by right clicking on the component. It allows special filtering (according to the settings made). A reload resets all changes made with the context menu.
Filter Box
In the top left cell of the first row of the graphomate tables a filter function is implemented. Just enter some letters or regular expressions in the Filter Box and only those table rows are shown that contain these letters. Upper and lower case is not considered.
If the option Show Filter Box in the Helper tab is activated, the Filter Box is visible for the users.
User Highlights
Furthermore there is the possibility of creating so-called User Highlights at runtime and to store those with bookmarks. Simply click on the desired value in the dashboard while pressing the Alt-key to set the User Highlights. The User Highlights can be configured via the properties Highlight Thickness and Highlight Color on the Property Sheet.
Highlight Group
If the Highlight Group property is activated in the Behavior tab, all cells within the table that have the same member combination (exclusive Keyfigure Dimension) as a hovered element are highlighted by a colored background. If there are further charts or tables with an activated Highlight Group property in the application, all elements (bars of a chart or cells of a table) whose member combinations are a superset of the member combination of the hovered cell (exclusive Keyfigure Dimension) will be highlighted in these. The Highlight Group Color option can be used to customize the highlighting color for each component.
Example: In Table 1 a cell with the member combination A := {"Atlantic", "New Brunswik"} hovered with the cursor. Table 2 has cells which contain the member combinations B := {"Atlantic", "New Brunswik", "Home Office"}. Since B represents a superset of A (all elements of A are contained in B: this includes the equivalence of A and B), these cells are highlighted accordingly. Conversely, if an element from table 2 with member combination B is hovered, the elements from table 1 with member combination A are no longer highlighted, since A is not a superset of B.
If you also want to consider the Keyfigure Dimension (Measure) in the member combinations, you can activate the Match Measures options for each table. As an example we add a keyfigure dimension to the member combinations of the first example: A := {"Atlantic", "New Brunswik", "Order Quantity"} and B := {"Atlantic", "New Brunswik", "Home Office", "Profit"}. Here the behavior described above applies: when hovering a cell with the member combination A all cells are highlighted whose member combination is a superset of A. In this case B is no longer a superset of A, so the elements with member combination B are no longer highlighted.
Since the Match Measures option can be activated individually for each table, a final example of the different behavior between the above examples should be given. In this case, the Match Measures option is disabled in Table 1 and enabled in Table 2. If you now hover in table 1 over a cell with the member combination A := {"Atlantic", "New Brunswik"} (with the keyfigure "Order Quantity"), all cells whose member combination is a superset of A are highlighted within Table 1. In Table 2, however, the situation is different, since the Match Measures option is activated there. Here only those cells are highlighted whose member combinations are a superset of AMeasures := {"Atlantic", "New Brunswik", "Order Quantity"}.
The tables are compatible with screen readers. This means that table cells, rows, columns and the table itself as well as the title are annotated with metadata that can be used by screen readers to meaningfully summarize the content. Therefor use the standardized WAI-ARIA annotations. Screenreaders differ in the way they use this information, on which the table has no influence, so different screenreaders can read different information.