Changelog aktuell (matrix)

Bevor der neue Changelog eingepflegt wird, den aktuellen Stand kopieren und an oberster Stelle in Changelog all (matrix) einfügen.

Den Changelog auf Englisch pflegen. An dieser Stelle den neuen Changelog 2022.x für das Release einfügen.



  • added tooltips to sparklines

  • added a hover feature to the sparklines that highlights values and compares them with the latest one

  • added highglight of minimum and maximum value in sparkline cells

  • added new Multi Visualization Type: Sparkbars

  • renamed hyper axes and hyper charts to additional axes respectively multi charts to make the concept of a more than 2-axial data projection a bit more understandable and less buzzwordy


  • fixed an issue that made Dimension Filters in the Properties Sheet not opening the dropdown when clicking into the input field

  • fixed a JavaScript error sometimes occuring when creating a calculated member

  • fixed a JavaScript error rarely occuring in the Additional Properties Sheet of the graphomate matrix for Lumira Designer when using css-imported scenarios

  • fixed an issue that made deviation calculations not displaying the property values correctly

  • fixed an issue that sometimes made sparklines not being displayed when containing null data

  • fixed an issue that made sparkline cells not being formattable using the CFL

  • fixed an issue that made the individual lines of left aligned multiline column headers not being aligned left

  • fixed an issue that made deviation charts wrongly including infinite values in the scaling

  • fixed an issue that made css-imported scenarios not being shown in the Additional Properties Sheet of the graphomate matrix for Lumira Designer