en Hosting on premise (SAC)

Installation in die SAP Analytics Cloud

SAP has now made it possible to install custom widgets directly in the SAP Analytics Cloud. You can find more details under the following link:

In principle, you need a package with the resource files and a customized JSON file from us. The installation process is almost identical to the normal installation. You will only be asked for an extra resource package.

Hosting custom widgets on your own server

SAP provides for custom widgets in the SAC to be provided by a web server. For the graphomate suite, graphomate normally takes over this task. However, it is also possible to host the components on premise. This requires a suitable web server.

Requirements to the web server

  • Accessible by all clients that should be able to display reports with graphomate components.

  • Https encrypted with valid certificate

  • Working CORS for the domain(s) of you SAC. I.e. setting the Access-Control-Allow-Origin http header either to the domain of your SAC or to *.

Setup of the hosting

  1. Download of the on premise version from the graphomate release desk

  2. Unzip the zip to an accessible folder on the web server

  3. extract graphomate_$component$_$version$_SAC.json from the folder and adjust where it says <<put your servers address here>> so that the URLs point to the web server

  4. Upload the JSON file to the custom widget list of the SAC in the Analytic Applications section. (see Installation)


Since the JSON file contains a checksum, it is not sufficient to exchange these files on the server. This will cause the custom widget to fail to load. To avoid problems with caching from the beginning, we recommend to store the extension versioned by a folder structure, because this way never 2 files with different checksums can be accessed under the same URL. An upgrade or downgrade can then be realized by uploading the corresponding JSON file in the SAC.