en GPS module line (tiles)

en GPS module line (tiles)

Create line and area charts with the Line Module.



Determine the thickness of the line here. Select a CSS unit (such as px, em) from the list.


This property determines the line color as HEX, RGB or HSL code. You can switch these using the small arrows on the right in the color pop-up. Alternatively, you can also use the color picker.

Compare Color

This property determines the line color of the comparison values as HEX, RGB or HSL code. You can switch these in the color pop-up using the small arrows on the right. Alternatively, you can also use the color picker.

Dot Shape

Select whether the data points of the line are to be displayed with a circle or not (None).

Dot Shape Size

If the Dot Shape property is activated with the Circle mode, the diameter of the dots can be defined here. Select a CSS unit (such as px, em) from the list.


Threshold Display

Specify whether the area between the displayed lines should be colored. The following modes are available:

  • None: No representation of the areas between the lines
  • Compare Data: Coloring of the areas according to the rating of the deviation (color assignment via Good Color and Bad Color

Good Color

Here you can set the standard color for positive (Good Color) rated deviations (Compare Data) by clicking on the corresponding color field via the color picker or as HEX, RGB or HSL code.

Bad Color

Here you can set the default color for negatively (Bad Color) rated deviations (Compare Data) by clicking on the corresponding color field via the color picker or as HEX, RGB or HSL code.

Threshold Excess is Good

If the calculated deviation is considered positive in the sense of corporate accounting, activate this property. The area in the diagram will then be displayed with the color of Good Color.

If this property is deactivated, the deviation is considered negative in the sense of corporate accounting and colored with the defined color of Bad Color.

Show Data as Area

If you want the area under the line to be displayed, activate this property.


If the Enable checkbox is activated, the automatically generated heading for the line module is shown.

Font Size

At this point, specify the font size of the heading of the line module. Choose a CSS unit (such as px, em) from the list.


Value Axis

When this property is activated, the value axes are displayed in the background of the diagram.

Category Labels

Use this option to set whether the category elements should be shown in the module.

Value Labels

If the Enable checkbox is activated, the values labels of the data points are displayed on the line.

Value Format Pop up

Define the number format using the following options:

  • Locale: Defines abbreviations, decimal and thousand separators for the respective language. You can choose between endefr and auto. If auto is selected, the Locale set in the respective host application is used. 
  • Format Type: Defines the type of number output. You can choose between number (decimal number), percent (percentage), ordinal (ordinal number) and Time (time unit).
  • Abbreviations: Defines the type of abbreviations. You can choose between mean (abbreviation most suitable for the mean value), min (abbreviation most suitable for the minimum value), max (abbreviation most suitable for the maximum value), auto (best-suited abbreviation for each respective number individually), trillion (trillion abbreviation), billion (billion abbreviation), millionthousand and none (no abbreviation at all). With this property you can, for example, ensure that numerical values are always displayed in thousands - e.g. 0.1k or 1000k.
  • Thousands Separator: Replaces the thousand separator set by the selected locale.
  • Decimal Separator: Replaces the decimal separator set by the selected locale.
  • Total Digits: Defines how many digits the number may consist of. Total Digits is prioritized over Decimal Digits.
  • Decimal Digits: Defines how many decimal places of the formatted number are displayed.
  • Scaling Factor: The value of each data point is multiplied by the entered number to scale values.
  • Prefix: The input value is placed before the number.
  • Suffix: The input value is placed after the number.
  • Zero Format: When the checkbox is activated, any data value equal to 0 (the number zero) gets replaced by the entered value.
  • Null Format: Any data value that equals NULL (no value) gets replaced by the entered value.
  • Infinity Format: If a data value is undefined or the result of an arithmetic error such as dividing by 0 (zero), the data value is replaced by the entered value.
  • Rounding Method: Defines the rounding method. You can choose between half up (23.5 → 24, -23.5 → -23), commercial (23.5 → 24, -23.5 → -24) and trim (23.5 → 23, -23.5 → 23).
  • Negative Sign: Defines how negative numbers are displayed. You can choose between minusparenthesis, and none (no sign).
  • Explicit Positive Sign: Defines whether a positive number should always be preceded by a + (plus sign).
  • Time Units: If Time has been specified for the format type, the time units can be set here. The default setting interprets data values as seconds and displays them as hours and minutes with decimal places in the format h:mm.m 
  • Description: Short name that describes the configuration to be recognizable

Time Units Pop-Up

For the Format Type Time, a system of units can be configured with the help of the Time Units Property, which in the default setting consists of hours and minutes. Each number formatted in this way is then splitted in its values for each unit. The order of the unit list defines their relationship from the largest unit (top) to the smallest unit (bottom). Each unit contains the following options:

  • Modulus: defines the arithmetic relationship between the units. In terms of modular arithmetic, the number reflects how many entities of the next smaller unit fit into an entity of the current unit. If the current unit is the smallest of the unit system, the modulus establishes the reference to the raw value to be formatted. Thus, in the case of a unit system of hours and minutes with raw values that are given in minutes, the hours unit carries the modulus 60 and the minutes unit carries the modulus 1.
  • Prefix: Defines the local prefix with which the value of this unit should begin. It can be used as a separator to values of larger units.
  • Suffix: Defines the local suffix that should follow the value of this unit. For example, it can contain a unit abbreviation or be used as a separator to values of smaller units.
  • Omit If Zero: Sets whether values of this unit should be omitted if they equal 0.
  • Leading Zeros: Sets whether values of this unit should be displayed with one or more leading zeros (depending on the reference to the next larger unit).
  • Description: Sets a description for the unit to make it easier to recognize in the list.

Hide Colliding Labels

As soon as this property is activated, overlapping labels are hidden.



This property sets the font size. Choose a CSS unit from the list (such as px, em),


Define the font of the line module. Clear the contents of the text box and then select Arial, Tahoma, Verdana, Lucida Console and Calibri from the suggested options. Alternatively, you can enter the name of a font that is installed on your system, even if no suggestions are displayed. For example, enter Comic Sans MS.


This property determines the font color as HEX, RGB or HSL code. You can switch these using the small arrows on the right side in the color pop-up. Alternatively, you can also use the color picker.

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