Script documentation for the graphomate slopegraphs for SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio
Author: Gregor Große-Bölting
Version 1.0 – March 2017
The graphomate slopegraphs support the scripting language for Design Studio, so it is possible to interactively use the extension during runtime. One could, for example, set new data, manipulate the title or change the scaling. This documentation will provide a list of the currently active functions including examples of their usage. We are trying to enhance the extend of our functionality, so please don't hesitate to let us know if you are in need of a certain functionality using out contact page.
These are the available event hooks, for which the user can define his own scripts using the property sheet under events.
Ereignis Name | Beschreibung |
On Element Clicked | Triggered if the user clicks some element of the component during runtime. To enable drilldowns one iwll have to react to the user input. For this the return value for the following function will be updated with this event:
These are the available functions, they can be used withing Design Studios script editor.
Getter Name | Beispiel | Rückgabetyp | Beispiel Rückgabewert | Beschreibung |
getSelectedMember(Dimension dimensionKey) | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.getSelectedMember(); | Member | After the user clicked an element/category of the slopegraph, this function will return the members for the specified dimension dimensionKey. This member provides several fields like text, internalKey and externalKey. | |
getData() | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.getData(); | String | {"(MEASURES_DIMENSION)": "0D_NWI_NSAL", "0D_NWI_RCOD": "80503"} | Returns the selection string which represents the selected data from the data source. For further information please use the Design Studio Documentation. |
getShowCategoryLabels() | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.getShowCategoryLabels(); | boolean | false | Returns a flag to describe whether or not the category labels are visible. |
getFontSize() | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.getFontSize(); | float | 14 | Returns the font size. |
getTextColor() | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.getTextColor(); | String | #ff0000 | Returns the font color. |
getFocusTextColor() | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.getFocusTextColor(); | String | #BADA55 | Returns the focus font color, which is used during runtime when the mouse is hovering over a slope. |
getFontFamily() | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.getFontFamily(); | String | Comic Sans | Returns the font family. |
getOnlyLeadingDescription() | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.getOnlyLeadingDescription(); | boolean | true | Returns whether or not only leading labels are shown for the slopes. |
getNumberFormat() | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.getNumberFormat(); | String | 0b | Returns the number format. |
getSlopeColor() | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.getSlopeColor(); | String | #777 | Returns the slope color. |
getFocusSlopeColor() | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.getFocusSlopeColor(); | String | #1CE1CE | Returns the slope focus color which is used during runtime when the mouse is hovering over a slope. |
getPositiveSlopeColor() | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.getPositiveSlopeColor(); | String | #facade | Returns the color for the ascending slopes (which are only visible if Show Trend in Slopes is active). |
getNegativeSlopeColor() | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.getNegativeSlopeColor(); | String | #911 | Returns the color for descending slopes (which is only visible if Show Trend in Slopes is active). |
getNegativeIsGood() | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.getNegativeIsGood(); | boolean | false | Returns whether or not ascending slopes are interpreted as negative and are colored correspondingly (and vice versa). |
getShowTrendInSlopes() | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.getShowTrendInSlopes(); | boolean | true | Returns whether or not trends should be shown (using the specified trend colors, see above). |
getSlopeThickness() | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.getSlopeThickness(); | float | 1.5 | Returns the thickness of the slope lines. |
getUseRanks() | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.getUseRanks(); | boolean | false | Returns whether or not slope are ordered using their rank instead of their value. |
getRankDotRadius() | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.getRankDotRadius(); | float | 3 | Returns the radius used for the Rank Dot Radius (only relevant if Use Ranks is active). |
getAscendingOrder() | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.getAscendingOrder(); | boolean | true | Returns whether or not the slopes are shown in ascending order. |
Setter Name | Beispiel | Beschreibung |
setData(String val) | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.setData({"(MEASURES_DIMENSION)": "0D_NWI_NSAL", "0D_NWI_RCOD": "80503"}); | Setzt den Selektions-String zurück, das heißt den Ausschnitt der Daten, der durch die slopegraphs visualisiert werden soll. Für nähere Informationen konsultieren Sie bitte die Design Studio-Dokumentation. |
setShowCategoryLabels(boolean val) | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.setShowCategoryLabels(true); | Setzt, ob die Kategorielabel angezeigt werden. |
setFontSize(float val) | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.setFontSize(12); | Setzt die Schriftgröße. |
setTextColor(String val) | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.setTextColor("#eee"); | Setzt die Schriftfarbe. |
setFocusTextColor(String val) | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.setFocusTextColor("#ff0000); | Setzt die Fokus-Schriftfarbe, die zur Runtime verwendet wird, wenn der Nutzer über einen Text hovert. |
setFontFamily(String val) | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.setFontFamily("Wingdings"); | Setzt die Schriftfarbe. |
setOnlyLeadingDescription(boolean val) | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.setOnlyLeadingDescription(false); | Setzt, ob nur die führenden Label der Slopes angezeigt werden. |
setNumberFormat(String val) | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.setNumberFormat("0.0a"); | Setzt das Nummernformat. |
setSlopeColor(String val) | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.setSlopeColor("#00ff00"); | Setzt die Slope-Farbe. |
setFocusSlopeColor(String val) | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.setFocusSlopeColor("#0000ff"); | Setzt die Fokus-Slope-Farbe, die zur Runtime verwendet wird, wenn der Nutzer über einen Slope hovert. |
setPositiveSlopeColor(String val) | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.setPositiveSlopeColor("#123456"); | Setzt die Farbe für steigende Slopes (wird nur angezeigt, wenn Show Trend in Slopes aktiv ist). |
setNegativeSlopeColor(String val) | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.setNegativeSlopeColor("#654321"); | Setzt die Farbe für fallende Slopes (wird nur angezeigt, wenn Show Trend in Slopes aktiv ist). |
setNegativeIsGood(boolean val) | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.setNegativeIsGood(true); | Setzt, ob die steigenden Slopes negativ interpretiert werden und entsprechend farblich anders dargestellt werden (und umgekehrt). |
setShowTrendInSlopes(boolean val) | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.setShowTrendInSlopes(false); | Setzt, ob die Trends angezeigt werden sollen (durch farbliche Markierung mit den Trend-Farben, s. oben). |
setSlopeThickness(float val) | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.setSlopeThickness(2); | Setzt die Dicke der slopes-Linien. |
setUseRanks(boolean val) | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.setUseRanks(true); | Setzt, ob die Slopes anhand der Rangfolge und nicht des Wertes skaliert werden. |
setRankDotRadius(float val) | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.setRankDotRadius(5); | Setzt die Dicke des Rank Dot Radius (nur relevant, wenn Use Ranks aktiv ist). |
setAscendingOrder(boolean val) | GRAPHOMATESLOPEGRAPH_1.setAscendingOrder(false); | Setzt, ob die Slopes aufsteigend gezeichnet werden. |
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