Title Module

The Title Module is text component with either one or two rows, and an optional icon.

As described above, the metadata from the data source can be inserted in the text fields with wildcards; alternatively, the texts can be entered manually.

For bold formatting, the checkbox Bold Titles needs to be activated.

If the option Absolute Label Height is activated, both lines of text use the global fontsizes (Appearance Tab). If the option is deactivated, the text size is scaled down if necessary.

If the checkbox Wrap Titles is activated, texts exceeding the space limit will be wrapped, resulting in several lines of texts. Otherwise, they will be abbreviated with "...".

The Icons to be displayed in the right of the module, as well as their color, can be set either manually or via scripting. To choose manually, select the desired icon from the dropdown box. The size of the displayed icons scales with the font sizes of title and subtitle. These can be set in the Appearance tab.

The field SAPUI5 Icon Id allows to insert an icon of the SAPUI5 library, for example, e00a for a synchronize button. To display the icon, select SAPUI5 Icon under Icon and copy the Icon ID into the appropriate field.

In the dropdown box with the label Horizontal Position you can select how the title should be displayed: either left-aligned (standard), center-aligned or right-aligned.

If Absolute Label Height is deactivated, the option Wrap Title is ignored; also, inline HTML tags will not be interpreted.

In the icon explorer, the SAPUI5 icon ID could be shown with a prefix for hexadecimal encoding. The id needs to be entered without the prefix; please use e. g. "e00a" instead of "&#xe00a".