
General Tab


All charts can be used in horizontal or vertical orientation:

  • horizontal for development over time,

  • vertical for structure comparison.

Use the toggle button to select Structure/Time.

Chart Type

Choose the preferred chart type via mouse click on the corresponding icon. With the Checkbox Base Chart you can display or hide the Base Chart. This way, you may use deviation charts without the Base Chart.

Stacked Bar Mode

This option is visible, if the stacked bar chart ist selected. It switches between the different stacked bar chart modes. 
The modes are explained under Standard Properties.

Deviations Configuration

These Checkboxes activate - additionally to the Base Chart - axes for absolute or percentage deviations of two Data Series. A click on Name enables the renaming of the deviation series. This Name is also used as a legend.

Use the dropdown boxes to choose the Data Series for the calculation of deviations according to the formulas on the right. Click the button Type for selecting between absolute and percentage deviation.

Delete deviation series by using the red button  and add new by using the green button , which will be shown above the Base Chart. The order of the display corresponds with the order in the Deviations Configuration.

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Formula for calculation of absolute deviation:

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Formula for calculation of percentage deviation:

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Data Tab

Data Series

Here you can link up to 10 Data Series from the Data Source that you want to display by clicking the corresponding button .The Checkbox next to the Data Series determines its visibility in the chart. Change the name of the Data Series by clicking on it. The given names are also used for the Data labels. With the Image Modified button you delete the assignment of the Data Series.
With a click on the blue 'B' buttons you can toggle the labelling of the according series selectively.

If you click the question mark iconImage Modified, you can toggle the chart type for each series separately. By default (question mark selected), the setting from the general tab is used. With this feature you can get automatic chart layering.

Category Labels

Category Labels are shown in the chart, when the Checkbox is activated. Category Labels are automatically created from the meta data of the Data Source. 

Base Chart Axis Labels

Define additional axis labeling here. To show these labels the Checkboxes on the Helper Tab must be activated.

Data Types

Specify here the Data Type of each element of the selected Data Series. Each element can be formatted individually.
Data Types are defined on the tab Data Types.

The entered Data Types are converted to uppercase in the background, so they are not case-sensitive in order to prevent possible sources of errors.

Waterfall Calculation Path

To use a waterfall flexibly, it must be first determined whether the value to be displayed is either a total or an in- or outflow using an additional Data Series. This is carried out by using our so-called Waterfall Calculation Path (see input options on the right).

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Values for the Waterfall Calculation Path:

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Appearance Tab


Set the font size, the font family and the font color for labels in the chart. In addition, shadows with defined colors can be added to accentuate the labels if the background is colored.


If activated, an rect is drawn behind the Element Labels. With Shadow color you can define the color value.

Element Labels

If the Checkbox is activated, all elements of the chart will be labeled. The toggle buttons Fix/Auto determines the visibility of the labels:

  • Fix
    Data labels are always visible
  • Auto
    Labels are hidden or moved in case of overlaps – adjustable with the property Collision Adjustment – see in the standard properties.

Value Format

Select the format of the Category Labels:

  • Basic
    Select the format of the absolute and percentage values according to guidelines of numeral.js.
  • Extended
    If a fixed format is preferred, put the format for absolute and percentage values here.
    Choosing a “(“ in the box Negative Sign will show negative values in brackets: (1234).
    The parameter in the box Scaling is used as a divisor for scaling the data label.
    The resulting format string can also be set via scripting language – for further details see the Number Formatting.
  • Locale
    sets the label country format in the Basic mode. DE, FR, EN and AUTO are available options. Choosing AUTO the Locale is retrieved from the Data Source.

Pick Labels

If this option is activated, the underlying options controls, which labels are shown. Only those labels are shown, which meet one of the criteria. The following options can be picked:

First: The first label of each series is shown
LastThe last label of each series is shown
Min: The minimum value of each series is displayed
MaxThe maximum value of each series is displayed
Before Separators: All values leading a separator are shown. This option depends on the setting under separators.
: When this option is checked, local minimum and maximum values are shown. What is interpreted as a minimum/maximum can be controled with the option Minimum Peak Size in %.
Peaks from Leading Values: The peak calculation only considers leading values; subsequent values are no longer considered

Minimum Peak Size in %: Defines, how large the difference to the neighboring values must be, to consider the value as a maximum/minimum


The colors of the elements of a waterfall can be set here - corresponding to the calculation path. Please note that the use of Data Types overlap this standard format.


Set the colors for deviations. If positive deviations between measures and base values are not regarded as positive, for example for comparisons of actual vs. budget costs, activate the Checkbox Invert.

Outlier Mode

Choose the appearance of the outliers here. In the mode Short the outliers are shown as small triangles on the axis. In the mode Long they are drawn over the entire available area – according to the rules by IBCS.

Series Styles Editor

In this editor the appearance of the Data Series is determined, as long as you do not use Data Types. Data Types overwrite the Series Styles. The handling is similar to the definition of Data Types on the Data Types tab, the name is derived from the data series name. Color, Fill and Shape determine the appearance of the elements. Shape refers to the pin heads. Navigate via mouse click through the alternative representations. Width determines the width of the elements. The values can be given in percentage of the category width as well as in absolute values in [px] – just toggle %/abs.


The parameter Width can only be used in bar or column charts. If necessary, please use the parameter Bar Width in the Standard Properties Sheet for the elements width of other chart types.
