
General Tab


All charts can be used in horizontal or vertical orientation:

  • horizontal for development over time,

  • vertical for structure comparison.

Use the toggle button to select Structure/Time.

Chart Type

Choose the preferred chart type via mouse click on the corresponding icon. With the Checkbox Base Chart you can display or hide the Base Chart. This way, you may use deviation charts without the Base Chart.

Stacked Bar Mode

This option is visible, if the stacked bar chart ist selected. It switches between the different stacked bar chart modes. 
The modes are explained under Standard Properties.

Deviations Configuration

These Checkboxes activate - additionally to the Base Chart - axes for absolute or percentage deviations of two Data Series. A click on Name enables the renaming of the deviation series. This Name is also used as a legend.

Use the dropdown boxes to choose the Data Series for the calculation of deviations according to the formulas on the right. Click the button Type for selecting between absolute and percentage deviation.

Delete deviation series by using the red button  and add new by using the green button , which will be shown above the Base Chart. The order of the display corresponds with the order in the Deviations Configuration.

Image Added

Formula for calculation of absolute deviation:

Image Removed

Formula for calculation of percentage deviation:
