Known Issues
Known Issues
- Stefanie Schröder (Unlicensed)
- Tomke Reibisch (Unlicensed)
Owned by Stefanie Schröder (Unlicensed)
Currently the following issues are known:
- SAP Designstudio has a maximum number of possible datapoints which can be reached during runtime using the graphomate trellis. Our component sets this number to 50 000, but it can be overridden by settings on your end. The option for this is the maxCells value for data properties.
- As the data source linked to the graphomate trellis is modified during runtime it is advised to create an exclusive copy for this component. Otherwise selection on other component may become corrupt which leads to errors. Also, if this data source is modified by other means the graphomate trellis may crash.
- A high number of data points can increase the loading times considerably. This is a technical restriction when using the browser as a platform. As an example, rendering a column chart with 21 000 data points took 42 seconds in our test in the Google Chrome browser. If you come across long loading times consider selection resulting in less data points.
- When getting the selected member of an element the dimensions in the row description are currently now supported. They will contains incorrect members. Only fetch the selected members for dimensions used in the module configuration (i.e. keyfigures, drill down or filter)
- As saving during runtime is based on the browsers local storage object it is limited by its capabilities. For example, changing the URL of the dashboard invalidates the saved configurations. This happens when using the local mode after each restart of Design Studio.