Select the font size here.This implicitly affects the dimensioning of the table.For this purpose, parameters are indicated in the unit "fs" (font size), i. e.depending on the font size.Some of these parameter values can be maintained via the properties.
Font Family
Sets the font family of the text.
Text Color
Sets the color of the text (including the text specified in the title).If the table contains a hierarchy, the color that is defined in the Hierarchy Nodes section (or the Node Style Color property) is applied to it.If a Data Type is assigned to a column, and the Apply Data Types to Cells option is enabled, the color specified for the data type is applied to the entire column, overwriting the text color set here.
Row Title Alignment Right
If desired, row titles of the first column can be aligned to the right by activating the checkbox.
Data Cell Alignment Right
By default, the cell contents are aligned right-aligned.Left-aligned text is implemented by removing the checkmark.
At this point, a title can be created for the chart.Formatting can be done by using HTML.
You can use this property to create (different) extended number formats for each column.For this purpose, an array of strings (with the respective extended number format, see Number Format) is created.An empty string means that the number format set for the table is to be used.
Example of two columns: ["-||.|,|10^6|1|","-||.|,|1|1|%25"]
Too long row titles are wrapped as standard.The No Wrap property allows this behavior to be affected by the fact that the split titles are instead abbreviated.
Remove Repeated Labels
If multiple characteristics are repeated in a column header, this property can be used to set the individual title components not to be repeated.