Standard Properties
Konradin Schoemers (Unlicensed)
Tim Schauder
Gregor Große-Bölting (Unlicensed)
Stefanie Schröder (Unlicensed)
Some (expert) features can only be controlled in the Standard Properties Sheet.
Area Identity
Is an option of the Color Calculation Method. If this option is activated, the Area Series is mapped linearly to the color scale; this is useful in connection with the option Show Area Absolute Values.
Ascending Sort Order
Set this option to true in order to arrange the elements of the treemap in ascending order (largest elements at the bottom right). The default value is false, meaning values are displayed in descending order (largest elements at the top left), corresponding to the natural reading order as the main elements are shown first.
Hide Treemap
If this option is set to true, only the title (incl. legend) is displayed. The treemap itself is not drawn.
In addition to the color scales available on the Additiona Properties Sheet, all scales of the ColorBrewers can be used. In order to do this, the name of the ColorBrewer schema together with the number of classes have to be entered seperated by a comma (example: Spectral, 4).
Show Area Absolute Values
If this option is set to true, the absolute values of the Area Series are taken to draw the treemap, ie negative values are represented as rectangle too.
Use Formatted Data
This property allows using the preformatted data of the Data Source for cells of the treemap. This is possible only for those values that are passed from the Data Source. Values, which are calculated in the graphomate treemaps itself – as the deviations for Color Calculation Based On ∆ Absolute and ∆ Percent – are still formatted either in basic or extended number format.
Custom Colour Ranges
This Property enables you to manually define colors for nodes whose color values are in a specific range. The color ranges will be applied, if the Color Calculation Methode is set to "custom". A valid property value is an array of strings, which consist of one or two conditions and one color, seperated by "|".
Example: ">=-0.25|<=0.25|#FFFFBF" - Sets the color of all nodes whose color series value lies between -.25 and .25 to Yellow
Another example is to use the colors red, yellow and green to mimic a traffic light.
Valid operators are: >, >=, <, <=. Valid Colors are 6-digit hex strings
Color Scale Boundaries
This property determines the boundaries of the color scale.
If the value "symmetrical" is selected, the scale is always created symmetrically. So if the data have a minimum value of -500 and a maximum value of 100, the color scale will range from -500 to +500. The limits are thus formed from the largest amount of the domain values. Even with exclusively positive values, the scale is mirrored at the zero crossing so that nodes with positive values doesn't get displayed in negative colors such as red.
If the value "real" was selected, the limits of the color scale correspond exactly to the domain. For a minimum value of -500 and a maximum value of 100, the color scale will range from -500 to 100.
This property sets the positive and the negative threshold of the color scale. It can be used to narrrow the color scale to better identify smaller changes by excluding outliers from the color spectrum.
Apply Percentage Format To Area
If selected, the values of series 1 are scaled as percentage values. Note that a percentage format will not only show the "%" suffix, but also multiply the value by 100. The Scaling factor of an extended number format can be used to avoid this.
Apply Percentage Format To Color
If selected, the values of series 2 are scaled as percentage values. Note that a percentage format will not only show the "%" suffix, but also multiply the value by 100. The Scaling factor of an extended number format can be used to avoid this.