Scripting Documentation

Scripting Documentation

Scripting Documentation for graphomate trees for SAP Lumira Designer

Version 2020.4 as of October 2020



graphomate trees support the script language of Designer. Thus, it is possible to use the extension interactively during runtime. For example, new data can be set, titles edited and scaling can be changed. A list of the current functions and examples of use is provided by this document. We are constantly trying to expand the range of functions. If certain functions are missing, please let us know by using our contact form.


The events listed below are available. In the property sheet, user-defined scripts can be deposited.

Event NameDescription
On Element ClickedDispatched when the user clicks an element of the component in the drawing area at run time. In order to enable a drilldown, the user input must be responded to at this point. At the time of this event, the return values of the following functions are updated:
  • getSelectedMemberKey()
  • getSelectedMemberText()
  • getClickedElementIndex()
  • getClickedSeriesIndex() 
On New Data ArrivalDispatched when the tree receives updated data. This happens, for example, after the dimensions of a DataSource have changed or if filters have been changed. Adaptation of the DataTypes would be possible at this point, for example.


The following functions are available. These can be accessed within Designer's script editor.

Getter NameBeispielRückgabetypBeispiel RückgabewertBeschreibung
getColorScheme()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getColorScheme();StringSpectral,9Returns the ColorBrewer color scheme currently selected for the tree. The return value contains the schema and - separated by a comma - the number of classes.
getColCalculationMethod()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getColorCalculationMethod();StringhierarchyReturns which method is used to color the rectangles of the tree.
getDepth()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getDepth();int3Returns how many levels the hierarchy depth constraint is set to.

Returns the number format for Extended mode. The format string can be read in the manual.

getExtendedNumberFormatPercentage()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getExtendedNumberFormatPercentage();String-||.|,|1|1|%25Returns the number format for percentage values in Extended mode. The format string can be read in the manual.
getLabelFormatMode()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getLabelFormatMode();StringextendedReturns the mode of label formatting.
getLimitDepth()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getLimitDepth();booleantrueReturns whether the limitation of the hierarchy depth represented in the tree is possible.
getLocale()GRAPHOMATETABLE_1.getLocale();StringfrReturns the setting currently selected for locale.
getNegativeDeviationIsGood()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getNegativeDeviationIsGood();booleantrueReturns whether the negative deviations are interpreted as positive or negative.
getNumberFormat()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getNumberFormat();String0,0.0Returns the number format for Basic mode. The format string corresponds to the format of numeral.js, see manual.
getNumberFormatPercentage()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getNumberFormatPercentage();String0 %Returns the number format for the percentage values in Basic mode. The format string corresponds to the format of numeral.js, see manual.
getRestPadding()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getRestPadding();int3Returns the width of the left, right, and bottom of the frame drawn in embedded mode.
getSelectedMember(Dimension dimensionKey)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getSelectedMember("0D_NWI_RCOD");Member
After the user has clicked an element / category of the tree, this function returns the member of the specified Dimension dimensionKey. The member provides various properties such as text, internalKey and externalKey.
getSelectedMemberKey(String dimensionKey)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getSelectedMemberKey("0D_NWI_RCOD");String10274After the user has clicked an element / category of the tree, this function returns the key (key) of the member of the specified Dimension dimensionKey. The keys of the dimensions are shown in the Initial View.
getSelectedMemberText(String dimensionKey)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getSelectedMemberText("0D_NWI_RCOD");StringNorth WestAfter the user has clicked an element / category of the tree, this function returns the text of the member of the specified dimension dimensionKey. The return is similar to the getSelectedMemberKey () function.
getTooltipVisible()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getTooltipVisible();booleantrueReturns whether tooltips are displayed for the tree during runtime.

Returns whether the pre-formatted data from the query is used to display in the tree.

getTreeType()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getTreeType();StringverticalReturns the selected type of visualization. The type is one of the following values: circle, horizontal, vertical
getFontSize()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getFontSize();float12Returns the font size.
getTextColor()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getTextColor();String#000000Returns the font color.
getNodeFillColor()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getNodeFillColor();String#c0ffeeReturns the fill color of the nodes of the tree.
getNodeStrokeColor()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getNodeStrokeColor();String#c0ffeeReturns the color in which the border of the nodes of the tree is drawn.
getNodeStrokeThickness()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getNodeStrokeThickness();float0.7Returns the border thickness.
getLinkStrokeColor()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getLinkStrokeColor();String#c0ffeeReturns the color of the links between the nodes.
getLinkStrokeThickness()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getLinkStrokeThickness();float0.9Returns the thickness of the links.
getShowValue()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getShowValue();booleantrueReturns whether the value of a value is displayed next to the caption.
getFontFamily()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getFontFamily();StringComic SansReturns the selected font.
getLinkLayout()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getLinkLayout();StringcrossReturns the layout of the links. One of the following values is possible: swung, straight, elbow, cross
getRootNodeDescription()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getRootNodeDescription();StringSummeReturns the label of the root node if a caption has been created manually.
getInfinityColor()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getInfinityColor();String#c0ffeeReturns the color assigned to nodes whose value is NaN or Infinity (for example, by division by 0).
getNullColor()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getNullColor();String#0ff1ceReturns the color assigned to nodes whose value is Null (for example, because there is no value in the DataSource).
getAscendingSortOrder()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getAscendingSortOrder();booleanfalseReturns the selected type of node sorting.
getAreaScale()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getAreaScale();StringlogReturns the selected method for scaling the areas. Possible values are: linear, log
getMinNodeRadius()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getMinNodeRadius();float23Returns the minimum radius of a node.
getMaxNodeRadius()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getMaxNodeRadius();float42Returns the maximum radius of a node.
getDescriptionDelimiter()GRAPHOMATETREE_1.getDescriptionDelimiter();String|Returns the separator displayed between label and value on a node.

Setter NameBeispiel


setColCalculationMethod(String val)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setColorCalculationMethod("hierarchy");Sets the method after which the rectangles of the tree are colored. Allowed parameter values are: hierarchy, areaIdentity, colorIdentity, absoluteDeviation, percentDeviation.
setColorSchema(String val)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setColorScheme("Set1, 4");Allows you to set a new ColorBrewer color scheme and the number of classes. Both entries must be separated by a comma and passed as a string.
setDepth(int level) GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setDepth(2);Restricts the hierarchy depth shown in the tree to the value level.
setExtendedNumberFormat(String val) GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setExtendedNumberFormat("-||.|,|1|1|");Sets the number format for the extended mode. The format string can be read in the manual.
setExtendedNumberFormatPercentage(String val) GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setExtendedNumberFormatPercentage("-||.|,|1|1|%25");Sets the number format for percentage values in Extended mode. The format string can be read in the manual.
setLabelFormatMode(String val)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setLabelFormatMode("extended");

Sets the label formatting mode. Possible parameter values are "basic" and "extended".

setLimitDepth(boolean val)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setLimitDepth(false);Sets whether the limitation of the hierarchy depth is activated.
setLocale(String val)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setLocale("de");Sets a new locale value. Allowed values for the locale are: de, en, fr and auto. If auto is selected, the locale is taken from the query for the formatting of the texts.
setNegativeDeviationIsGood(boolean val)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setNegativeDeviationIsGood(true);Sets whether negative deviations are interpreted as positive or negative.
setNumberFormat(String val) GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setNumberFormat("0,0.0");Sets the number format for Basic mode. The format string corresponds to the format of numeral.js, see manual.
setNumberFormatPercentage(String val) GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setNumberFormatPercentage("0 %");Sets the number format for percentage values in Basic mode. The format string corresponds to the format of numeral.js, see manual.
setTooltipVisible(boolean val)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setTooltipVisible(true);Sets whether tooltips are displayed in the tree.
setUseFormattedData(boolean val)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setUseFormattedData(true);Sets whether the pre-formatted data from Designer is used for the table.
setTreeType(String val)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setTreeType("circle");Sets the selected type of visualization. The type must be one of the following values:circle, horizontal, vertical
setFontSize(float val)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setFontSize(14);Sets the font size.
setTextColor(String val)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setTextColor("#c0ffee");Sets the font color:
setNodeFillColor(String val)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setNodeFillColor("#c0ffee"),Sets the fill color of the nodes of the tree.
setNodeStrokeColor(String val)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setNodeStrokeColor("#c0ffee");Sets the color in which the outline of the nodes of the tree is drawn.
setNodeStrokeThickness(float val)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setNodeStrokeThickness(3);Sets the border thickness.
setLinkStrokeColor(String val)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setLineStrokeColor("#0ff1ce");Sets the color of the links between the nodes.
setLinkStrokeThickness(float val)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setLineStrokeThickness(1.2);Sets the thickness of the links.
setShowValue(boolean val)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setShowValue(false);Sets whether the value of a node is displayed next to the label.
setFontFamily(String val)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setFontFamily("Wingdings");Sets the font.
setLinkLayout(String val)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setLinkLayout("elbow");Sets the layout of the links. One of the following values is possible: swung, straight, elbow, cross
setRootNodeDescription(String val)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setRootNodeDescription("Welt");Sets the label of the root node.
setInfinityColor(String val)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setInfinityColor("#0ff1ce");Sets the color given to nodes whose value is NaN or Infinity (for example, by division by 0).
setNullColor(String val)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setNullColor("#0ff1ce");Sets the color assigned to nodes whose value is null (for example, because there is no value in the DataSource).
setAscendingSortOrder(boolean val)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setAscendingSortOrder(true);Sets whether nodes are sorted or not.
setAreaScale(String val)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setAreaScale("linear");Sets which method is used to scale the areas. Possible values include: linear, log
setMinNodeRadius(float val)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setMinNodeRadius("3");Sets the minimum radius of a node.
setMaxNodeRadius(float val)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setMaxNodeRadius("30");Sets the maximum radius of a node.
setDescriptionDelimiter(String val)GRAPHOMATETREE_1.setDescriptionDelimiter("~");Sets which separator is used to represent label and value on a node.

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