en Runtime Interactivity (comments)

The graphomate comments can be extensively edited at runtime. If you have already maintained the URL to the comments backend in our GPS, a field for the initial login will appear when the comments widget is loaded. If you are already logged in, this window will not appear. There you can login as the initial administrator or, if you are already created users, as any user in our backend. If the login was successful, a note appears if you have not yet set a context for the comment that a context must first be defined. A comment must always be written in a context. The definition of the context can be done in the GPS and by scripting.

If a comment does not exist for the current context, a message will be displayed. Clicking on the 'Create' button opens an editor for writing a comment. The same applies if a comment already exists. Clicking on the "Edit" button opens the editor again and the comment can be edited. In addition to formatting options for the text, the editor offers the possibility of embedding hyperlinks in the text in its menu bar.

If another user is mentioned in the text with the character "@" followed by their username, they will receive an email about the comment if the email configuration in the backend is correct. The available users with matching names are suggested as soon as at least two letters are written with the "@" character. When the editor is open, there are buttons below the text input field to save, delete or cancel the comment.

The blue "corner" in the top right corner opens a menu when clicked. It shows the current user and allows you to log out.

Below the current comment you can see if there are more specific comments about the current context. A comment is more specific if it contains further restricting contexts in addition to the currently defined set of contexts. For example, in a comment widget that contains the context 2017 but no month, under more specific comments, those that were maintained for a specific month in 2021 are displayed.

By clicking on the reference to more specific comments, the list of additional comments opens. These are sorted according to how many additional contexts they contain. The additional contexts that apply to the comment are shown under the respective comment. Clicking on an additional context adds it to the filter of the current context set. If the current contexts are displayed (configuration in the GPS), this filter can be removed again by clicking on the additional context in the list.