en Admin UI - Users (comments)

Users already created or defined by importing from an external user administration are shown here.

A user can be edited by clicking on the edit pencil. Text fields can be edited by clicking on the text. For Roles and Groups, it is possible to remove Roles already added by pressing the or to add new Roles by using the Add Dropdown.

Click the (+) Add button to create a new user. The Username and Initial Password fields are mandatory. The initial password must be changed by the user at the first login. An email address is required to use the automatic email notification feature when a user is mentioned in a comment. Roles and Groups are required if permissions are based on them.

Clicking on the "(+) JSON" button opens a window in which multiple users can be created together. The JSON format required is shown in the example below:

[ { "username": "Meier", "password": "secretPassword" }, { "username": "Michaelsen", "password": "nobodyKnows", "firstName": "Bernd", "lastName": "Michaelsen", "email": "bernd.michaelsen@example.com", "roles": ["viewer", "editor"], "groups": ["CEO"] } ]