Basically, there are two possibilities to maintain the features of graphomate treemaps: with the Standard Properties Sheet, which lists all parameters in a structured list or with the Additional Properties Sheet. The latter provides a user-friendly interface. There are some special features, which can only be maintained on the Standard Properties Sheet.
The Checkboxes chart elements. The chosen Data Source can only be attributed to the component via Drag&Drop or via the Standard Properties Sheet under Data Binding.
next to the features in the Additional Properties Sheet are used to control the visibility ofData TabData SeriesFor the graphomate treemaps two Data Series with different semantics can be selected:
In order to assign the data series, a data source must be selected first. The series labels can be customized via the input box and will be displayed in the legend, descriptions and tooltips. Click on "x" to delete the assignment of the Data Series. TitleEnter a title for your treemap at this point. If the Checkbox is activated, the Title will be shown. Line breaks are adopted. In addition, the Title can be formatted with HTML tags and (in-line)CSS. |
Appearance TabLabelsSets the appearance of the font. Font SizeSets the font size for the rectangle labels. Text ColorSets the text color for the rectangle labels. Value FormatSelect the format of the treemap values:
Set the property Use Formatted Data in the Standard Properties Sheet on true to use the formatting of the Data Source. ColorsAt this point, different settings for coloring the treemap can be made:
Behavior TabColor Calculation Based OnThe Color Calculation Method determines in which way the values of the Color Series will be calculated for coloring the treemap. The following options are possible:
| Formula for absolute deviation calculation: Formula for percentual deviation calculation: |
HierarchyThe different settings here determine how the hierarchy of the treemap is displayed: EmbeddedEmbedded treemaps show the hierarchy by additional frames in order to display the hierarchy level explicitly. If the Checkbox is activated, the frames are displayed and there are the following additional options:
Is the Top Padding smaller than the set font size, the description in the frame is automatically hidden. If you want just thin frames without labels in order to make the hierarchy more legible in efficient space, you have to set both Padding values to 1. | |
Limit DepthIf the Checkbox is activated, the hierarchy shown is limited to a certain depth (entry in field Level). That way the treemap shows only the hierarchy from the root up to the specified depth, all other levels of the hierarchy are cut off. Hide Overflowing DescriptionsIf the Checkbox is activated, all rectangle labels, that would extend horizontally beyond the rectangle width, are hidden. Thus the treemap appears visually balanced and the focus is on the major elements. Outer PaddingWhile changing the Outer Padding value the distance between the chart and the surrounding frame in Design Studio can be set. |
Helper TabLegendHere you can change the settings for the legend. In addition to the visibility (activating the Checkbox) you have the following options:
Description ConfigurationHere you can change the rectangle labels. The labels are showing information about the corresponding dimension member. In addition to the visibility (activating the Checkbox) you have the following options:
Tooltip ConfigurationThe settings in the Tooltip Configuration are analogous to those in the Description Configuration, but apply to the tooltips shown at runtime in the treemap (thus the effect of the settings in the Tooltip Configuration is not visible at design time). Possible settings are also these: Path, Name, Area Value and Color Value. |
Context Menu TabIn this tab you will be able to choose which options are available in the context menu. An activated checkbox means this options will be shown. The first checkbox enables or disables the context menu altogether. Once activated the context menu will be accessible during runtime by right clicking on the component. The active operations will be usable as follows. SortingWith Sorting data from the available dimensions can be sorted in ascending or descending order. FiltersAllows you to filter the data by member for all available dimensions. Context Sensitive FiltersShows filters corresponding to the currently clicked dimension. Filter and HideIn addition to the normal filtering this operation also removes the corresponding dimension from our initial view. Clear FiltersResets previously set filters. DrilldownAdds another dimension to the component. DrillupRemoves a dimension from the chart (this can cause an error which makes a reload neccessary). Zero DisplaySets the way zero values are displayed. Member DisplayLets you choose the way member names are displayed (text or key). the data source, but without changing it. A reload resets all changes made with the context menu. | |
Position For TotalsSets the positions for each total value per dimension to be displayed before or after other values. Total DisplayEnable or disable totals for each dimension. Custom EventsThere are 10 possible events which can be linked to your own scripts. These can be defined in the property sheet and triggered using the corresponding button in the context menu. In the Additional Properties Sheet the names for these buttons is customizable. All operations are executed directly on |
Info TabHere you can find the version number of our graphomate treemaps as well as a link where you may report bugs or propose wishes for new features. A list of all open-source libraries that we used can be found under Credits. |