en GPS Tab4 Input Output (tiles)

The functions of this tab are used to exchange templates for graphomate tiles. Connect to the graphomate server - a free component of graphomate GmbH - to save or load a graphomate tiles template. In this way you can exchange pre-configured graphomate tiles designs with other designers in your company.

Server Configuration

Here you can enter the server URL to which the component should connect and from which it should retrieve the templates.
If you have entered the correct URL to the server, a green tick indicates that a connection has been established.
If a different server is used later, the URL can be edited again by clicking on the Edit button.

The "Admin" hyperlink allows you to jump to the admin area of the graphomate server.


Create Template

If the current settings are to be saved as a template, a new template name can be entered in the input field labeled Create Template and confirmed by clicking on the Save State button. If the name entered complies with the naming convention, the template is saved on the server and a visual feedback appears. However, if the name entered does not meet the expected naming conventions, an error message with the permitted characters is displayed.

Choose Template

Templates saved on the server can be called up and applied via Choose Template. To do this, simply select the desired template and press the Apply button. If you want to delete a template, you must select the template in the list and click on the Delete button (trash can). If changes have been made to the templates on the server side, the Refresh button must be clicked. Changes should then be visible.

Template File

You can use the Export and Import buttons to distribute templates manually - without the graphomate server.