en GPS Tab4 Axes (charts)


Element Offset

Here you move the position of diagram elements on the axis in % or pixels to each other.
Positive and negative values can be entered.
With the value "0" the elements of the individual data series lie exactly on top of each other.

Category Axis

Use this box to control the visibility of the Category Axis.

Axis Thickness [px]

Define the thickness of the category axis in pixels.

Category Width is Fixed

When the property is activated, a fixed width of a category is reserved.

Category Width [px]

Defines the category width for the property Category Width is Fixed in [px].

Category Count

If this value is not equal to 0, it specifies how many categories should be displayed. Surplus elements are then cut off, missing elements are filled with empty categories.

Minimal Category Width [px]

If the automatically calculated category width is smaller than the value defined here, a scroll bar is displayed in the chart.

Value Axis


(De)Activate the visibility of the value axis using the Enable option.

Flip Value Axis

Switches the value axis to the other side. (right/left or up/down)

Value Axis Tick Distance

The distance between the ticks of the value axis. This is a guide value. The ticks are always positioned on "even" values.

Force Tick Interval

If Force Tick Interval is active, the axis ticks are displayed exactly in the entered interval.

Value Axis Show Helplines

Depending on the selected separator type (Category Labels or Scenarios) the index for the positioning of the separators is defined here. (For Category Labels, the index refers to the selected line, and for Scenarios, the index refers to the linked series).


You have the possibility to set so-called separators in the diagram.
These can be set automatically for category labels or changed scenarios or manually according to the selected switch/drop-down-box.

Source For Separator Derivation (Category Labels, Scenarios)

Depending on the selected separator type (Category Labels or Scenarios), the index for the positioning of the separators is defined here. (For category labels, the index refers to the selected line and for scenarios, the index refers to the linked series).

Length [px]

Defines the length of the separator in pixels.

Thickness [px]

Specifies the thickness of the separator in pixels.

Separators in Front

If this option is enabled, the separator line is drawn in front of the axis.


Define the color of the separator using Color Picker or HEX code.

Manual Separators Positions

Use this dialog to manually enter the separator position. You can add further positions using the + symbol. Enter the position of the separator using an integer. The indexing starts at 0.