

Class graphomate.ui.tables.Row

extends sap.ui.core.Element

Quick Start

Creates a Row object that can be used in the aggregation "rows" of a graphomate.ui.tables.Table. For each Row in that aggregation the graphomate table renders a row containing the defined (hierarchical) row titles and data values. 

Usage Example
var table = new graphomate.ui.tables.Table({
  width: "300px",
  rows: [
    new graphomate.ui.tables.Row({
      title: "Ice Cream",
      hierarchyLevel: 0,
      dataPerColumn: [25000, 17500]
    new graphomate.ui.tables.Row({
      title: "Chocolate",
      hierarchyLevel: 1,
      dataPerColumn: [15000, 10500]
    new graphomate.ui.tables.Row({
      title: "Banana",
      hierarchyLevel: 1,
      dataPerColumn: [10000, 7000]

Constructor Details

new graphomate.ui.tables.Row(id?:string, settings?:object)

Accepts an id and a settings object or one or none of them. The settings object defines initial property values. Every setting can also be set using the related setter method. The supported settings are:


Property Details

Each property "sampleProperty" can be set using the related setter "setSampleProperty". Each setter expects a valid value for the related property as input parameter and throws an exception for invalid values. It returns the "this context" for method chaining. Each property "sampleProperty" can also be gotten using the related getter method "getSampleProperty". It expects no input parameters and returns the current value of the related property. Each property that represents or partially contains indices excepts a 0 based index.

The following properties are available:

Property NameTypeDescription
titlestringThis string will be used to label the row. The row titles are rendered in a dedicated column at the beginning of the rows.
dataPerColumnfloat[]Specifies the data of the row from left to right. The length of this array determines the number of columns and should have the same length in every row of the table.
hierarchyLevelgraphomate.ui.types.UnsignedIntegerSets the hierarchy level of the row starting at 0 for top level rows, 1 for their subordinate rows and so on. The row's order and hierarchy levels together should define a valid tree structure that starts with 0, that doesn't skip any levels and has leading sums.

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