Standard Properties
Gregor Große-Bölting (Unlicensed)
Tim Schauder
Stefanie Schröder (Unlicensed)
Some (expert) features can only be controlled in the Standard Properties Sheet.
Context Menu
Save Selected Member On Right Click
When clicking a data cell with the left mouse button, member information about the clicked cell gets stored and will be retrievable using the script method getSelectedMember. If this property is activated, a right click will store member information as well. This is helpful for processing the member information of a right clicked cell in custom context menu script events.
Apply Node Style to Nodes Without Sums
If totals are hidden for a dimension of implicit hierarchies (= hierarchies composed of several simple dimensions), the hierarchy nodes of this dimension are displayed in bold. This is the new default behavior since v2.2.0 of the tables. To restore the previous behavior in which the corresponding hierarchy nodes were not displayed in bold, this property can be set to false.
Save States
If this setting is activated, the state of the hierarchy is restored after a redraw (for example if triggered by a script function). This option makes complex workarounds with the script language and the Hierarchy States obsolete. To use this feature, the Additional Properties Sheet must be opened once to generate a unique identifier for the table. This happens automatically in the background of the Additional Properties Sheet.
Unique Identifier
This property is not relevant in most cases. It contains a unique identifier of the table that is used to store the hierarchy states in the browser memory when the Save States property is enabled. Normally, an ID is automatically generated when the Additional Properties Sheet of a table is opened for the first time. However, if two tables for which the Save States property is enabled have the same identifier (e.g. because one table is a copy of the other), it is necessary to adjust it manually so that the two tables differ in their identifiers. Otherwise they would influence each other when saving their hierarchy states.
Use Hierarchy Marker
If this property is set to true only the Hierarchy Marker (+/-) can be used to open or close hierarchies. Otherwise (set to false) the user may also click on the row title to open or close hierarchies.
Use Hierarchy States
The property Use Hierarchy States is used to switch between the usage of Hierarchy States and Expand To (see Behavior Tab), as otherwise, the latter properties may contradict each other. This effectively means that Hierarchy States are only applied if Use Hierarchy States is actively set to true (it is deacitvated by default). Otherwise, Expand To is used.
Apply Pin Color, Pin Color
By default the deviation pins are colored with the negative or positive deviation color (depending on the sign). If the pins should have a different color, the property Apply Pin Color must be set to true and a Pin Color has to be defined.
Apply Pin Head Color, Pin Head Color
Same as Apply Pin Color and Pin Color, but for pin heads.
Deviaton Label Size Factor
According to IBCS the text size of the labels in the deviation columns corresponds to the text size of the value columns of the table. The default factor for this is 0.7, that means the tables’ text size times 0.7 results in the text size for the deviations. This factor can be changed with this property. Please be aware that a factor lower than 0.3 or higher than 1.2 may result in wrong representations.
Deviatons From Null
This property affects the way NULL values are interpreted when calculating the deviations. If the property is set to false a NULL value is considered to be not available, so nothing is drawn. Otherwise the value is used as a Zero, so the deviation is the difference between zero and the value.
Textual Deviaton
This property controls whether the deviations should be displayed as plain values or as deviation charts.
No Clip
This option disables clipping for SVGs, a feature used to prevent pin heads to show up behind both sides of a deviation axis. This behaviour is not recommended, but necessary if you plan to deploy your table on iOS: Newer Safari versions contain a bug and therefore do not support clipping, which leads to rendering errors.
Ignore Multiple Currency Values
If this property is activated, no deviations are displayed for rows in which a value included in the calculation of a deviation would have '*' as formatted data, regardless of whether '*' is displayed in the table or not. In addition, switching on this property also causes '*' values to be displayed as such, even if the Use Formatted Data property is off.
Data Cell Alignment Right
By default the cell contents are aligned to the right (the property value is true). To get the data aligned to the left, this option has to be set to false.
Number Format Per Column
This property allows to define (different) Extended Number Formats per column. Therefore an array of string values (with the corresponding Extended Number Format) is used. An empty string value sets the Number Format to this one, which is used for the table. This property can also be controlled via scripting language.
Example for two columns: ["-||.|,|10^6|1|","-||.|,|1|1|%25"]
No Wrap
If the row headers are too long to fit the available space, they are wrapped by default. If this options is activated, row headers are not wrapped. To furthermore abbreviate them, use the following CSS snippet on the table:
.rowHeader { max-width: <target width>px; }
Suppress Repeating Units
If formatted data is used for the table and a currency is displayed for each cell of a column, this property can be turned on to hide the currencies in each cell. The currency can then be displayed once in the column header using the property Show Units.
Remove Repeated Labels
If several dimension members are repeated in the column headers, this property can be used to suppress the repetitions.
fig. 1: Remove Repeated Labels is active
fig. 2: Remove Repeated Labels is not active
Zero, Empty und Infinity Value Replacement
Use this property to replace certain values ('0', 'null' oder '∞') with other values.
If you e. g. would like to replace all '∞' in deviations with '~', set the Infinity Value Replacement to contain '~'. If you would like to show '—' for all empty cells (that contain 'null' values), set the Empty Value Replacement correspondingly.
Show Row Titels
If the row titles should not be displayed, they can be hidden using this property.
Show Units
This property allows to display the units (coming from the query) below the column titles.
Show Scaling Factor
This property allows to display the scaling factor (coming from the Designer settings) below the column titles.
Show Header Dimensions
If several dimensions are present within the columns, individual dimension members are separated with a line break in the column headers. This property holds an array of integers, which correspond to the indices of the dimensions to be shown.
Example: the columns comprise three dimensions. Setting this property to [1,3] results in column headers which show only the members of the first and the third column dimensions.
Show Column Titels
If the column titles should not be displayed, they can be hidden using this property.
Use Formatted Data
This property allows using the preformatted data of the Data Source for cells of the table. This is possible only for those values that are passed from the Data Source. Values, which are calculated in the table itself, e.g. deviations, are formatted still either in basic or extended number format.
Exception Fill None In Text Color
The Exception filltype None causes that no Exception symbol is displayed but the corresponding cell background is filled. By activating the property Exception Fill None In Text Color the text color is changed instead of the background.
Highlight Thickness, Highlight Color, User Highlight List
With these properties the design of the User Highlights (highlighted values at runtime) can be changed and the list of User Highlights can be customized and readout. The user highlights can be set at runtime by pressing the Alt-Key and clicking with the mouse. That way the table cell is highlighted with a colored border. Change the thickness of the Highlight with the property Highlight Thickness and chose a color (Highlight Color). The User Highlight List contains the list of set highlights. Details about the format of the User Highlight List can be found in the script documentation.
Outlier Threshold, Outlier Threshold Percent, Use Outlier Threshold
The use of Outlier Thresholds is activated with Use Outlier Threshold. The usage is only intended for a scenario with Comparison Group switched off, otherwise Thresholds and Comparison Group would both affect the scaling, which can lead to an undefined behavior.
If usage is activated, all values that are greater than the threshold or smaller than the negative threshold are displayed as outliers. The thresholds therefore indicate the absolute value of the positive and negative limits. Values for the property Outlier Threshold Percent must be entered as decimal percentage representation, e.g. 0.6 for "60%".
Table Header Position Fixed
If the table header (column titles) should be displayed permanently (even when scrolling), this can be done using this property.
If this property is activated, horizontal scrolling is suppressed because the width of the table is required to calculate the column header widths and the column header widths are required to determine the table width. Otherwise, there would be a 'the chicken or the egg' causality dilemma.
Width Per Column
Via this property a custom width for each column of the table can be set. The value must be given as an array. The indices of the array correspond to the column indexes in the table. The column at position 0 are the row titles. The width is specified in pixels. For a table with three data series and one deviation series a possible array could look like this: [200,100,100,0,300]
You do not have to set fixed values for all columns: If for one or more columns the value 0 is set, then the width of the corresponding column/s is determined automatically, i.e. the remaining space is provided for the columns and divided evenly.
It is also possible to specify a number with a 'max' instead of a number or '0', for example: [200,"max200",100,0,300]. This will allow the column as much space as possible (similar to the setting with '0'), but maximally as much as specified.
The Width Per Column setting overrides the Fixed Column Width setting.
HTML tables are meant to distribute the total width cleverly between the columns, so the browser does not always consider the manually defined width of the individual columns. This can be the case, for example, with long words in RowHeader cells that should not be wrapped in the middle of the word. The positive difference between the manually specified width and the actual width of a column gets subtracted from the remaining columns by the browser (unless they are In Cell or Deviation columns). As a result, two columns to which you manually assign the same width may be displayed with different widths. This property should therefore only be considered as a rough approximation and should only be used if modern browsers do not provide a satisfactory result in the distribution of column widths.