en GPS Tab3 Bubble Elements (bubbles)


Circle Color

Here you can set the color of the circle area line by clicking on the corresponding color field or by entering a HEX code.

Arc Color

Here you can set the color of the arc by clicking on the corresponding color field or by entering a HEX code.

Fill Circle

If Fill Circle is activated, the area of the circle is filled with the Circle Color.


Good Color

Here you can set the colors for positive (Good Color) connoted deviations by clicking on the corresponding color field.

Bad Color

Here you can set the colors for negative (Bad Color) connoted deviations by clicking on the corresponding color field.


If the checkbox Invert is activated, positive deviations are evaluated as negative and thus get the color for negative deviations (and vice versa).

Conditional Formatting


This configuration allows the appearance of the bubbles to be adjusted based on conditions. With a click on the +- symbol a dialog opens in which the conditions is defined,

Configuration Pop-Up

For each bubble, the value from the selected series (Source) is compared with the operand(s) (Operator). If the condition applies, the selected (optical) Effect is applied. Depending on the selected Operator, between none and 2 operands must be selected.

  • Description: Enter the name of the condition here.
  • Operator: Defines the condition for comparing the value with the operand(s).
    • equal: Is the value equal to the operand?
    • not equal: Is the value not equal to the operand?
    • less: Is the value smaller than the operand?
    • less or equal: Is the value smaller or equal to the operand?
    • greater: Is the value greater than the operand?
    • greater or equal: Is the value greater or equal to the operand?
    • between: Is the value between the two operands?
    • not between: Is the value not between the two operands?
    • always: The effect is always applied regardless of the data.
    • contains: Does the value contain the operand? (for Labels)
  • Source: Determines with which data series the operand or operands are compared.
    • x: The data value from which the position of the bubble on the X-axis results.
    • y: The data value from which the position of the bubble on the Y-axis results.
    • circle: The data value from which the area of the bubble results.
    • arc: The data value from which the area of the circular arc of the bubble results.
    • dev: The data value from which the deviation circle section of the bubble results.
    • label: The caption shown below the bubbles.
  • Value: Determines with which values are going to be compared  to the values from the data series.
    • Value 1: Not required for Operator always.
    • Value 2: Not required for operator always, contains, >=, >, <=, <, != and =
  • Effect: Is applied if the condition is evaluated positively.
    • circle color: Changes the fill color of the circle.
    • stroke color: Changes the color of the circle border.
    • stroke width: Changes the thickness of the circle border.
    • css class: Adds the specified CSS class.
  • Characteristics: Depending on which effect was defined, the following values can be stored
    • circle color: HEX code of a color.
    • stroke color: HEX code of a color.
    • stroke width: An integer that represents the line width in [px].
    • css class: Here you define the CSS class to be used.


Perfomance Limit

Sets the limit for the maximum number of bubbles up to which no performance problems occur. Using values greater than 100 is not recommended. If the limit is reached, a performance-optimized display is used for the bubbles. Only the X and Y dimensions are used here. The individual data points are displayed transparently, so that accumulations of data points appear darker and therefore focal points can be recognized. To identify outliers, a tooltip is displayed when moving the mouse over a bubble.

Draw Boundaries

This option is intended for test purposes. If it is activated, its limits are drawn for each element. These boundaries are used by the collision logic to hide overlapping labels.Â