en GPS Tab6 Emphasis (charts)

Reference Lines


With this element you can define lines, for example to visualize certain limit values or statistical quantities. Use the + symbol to add new lines and the red trash can to delete existing line configurations.

Configuration Pop-Up

The following properties can be defined:

  • Enable: (De)activates the visibility of the line
  • Line Label: Enter the name of the reference line here. This is displayed in the diagram.
  • Line Type:
    • Threshold: A line is drawn parallel to the category axis, whose position can be determined via the Line Base.
    • Lin.Reg.: A regression line is displayed for all values of a visible series. Via the Line Base field the index (starting with 1) of the desired series can be selected.
    • Median: Represents the median of a visible series as a line parallel to the category axis. The index (starting at 1) of the desired series can be selected via the Line Base field.
    • Average: Represents the average value of a visible series in the form of a line parallel to the category axis. The index (starting at 1) of the desired series can be selected via the Line Base field..
  • Line Base: This property applies if you have selected 'Threshold' for Line Type. Enter the value for the line position here.
  • Line Size (px): Define the thickness of the Reference Line in px.
  • Line Color: Determine the color for the line using Color Picker or enter an appropriate HEX code.
  • Line Style: Three modes are available to display the line: solid, dotted or dashed


You can use this function to highlight the absolute and/or percentage difference between different chart elements. To do this, activate the checkbox and set the indexes of the categories where the highlighting should start and end.


You can choose between a single highlighting on the side (single) or highlighting multiple elements within the diagram (multi). If you choose single highlighting, the first element in the list is displayed and all other elements are ignored. You can also choose whether the absolute and/or percentage values are to be displayed.


In multi mode, several highlights can be created using the + symbol. In the pop-up, you define the indexes of the categories for which the highlighting should start (Start Series and Start Element) and end (End Series and End Element).


In both mode, single and multi modes can be used at the same time. Make the settings as described above.