Appearance Tab

Appearance Tab

Font Sizes

In this section, the font sizes used throughout the tiles component can be adjusted. All inputs are in pixels. Likewise, the font family can be changed here.


The padding defined here affects the space between the border of the overall component and the modules contained within (blue frame in the picture on the right). Thus, it also effects the divider lines between the modules. Individual module paddings can be adjusted on the General/Layout tab.

Border Size

This property governs the border size of the component. If a border size of 0 is specified, no border will be displayed.


The option Snap to Grid activates a grid function; if checked, the size of the drawing area can only be changed in the intervals determined in the Grid Size input field.

Value Format

In this section, the format of all value labels is determined:

  • Basic
    Here, you can change the presets for absolute and percentage value according to numeral.js.
    Locale changes the country setting. If set to AUTO, the country setting will be governed by the data source.
  • Extended
    If a fixed format is desired for the value labels, this can be done with the extended number format. The resulting format string can be set via scripting as well. See Number Formatting

Color Configuration

The general color configuration is defined in this section. In this way, the consistent appearance of all modules in a given tile is ascertained. Adjustable are the colors for Good(positive) and Bad(negative) values, two text colors and two Data colors as well as the color of the Component Border which also affects the slot divider lines. The Component Background fills the entire tile and the color for Hover shows up while hover over the tile.

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