Exceptions (tables)

Exceptions (tables)


The tables allow the creation of exception icons that are displayed in the table in a cell when a certain condition is met. Currently, ten different definitions for exceptions can be created. The following options must be maintained for each exception:


Under Source, select exactly one column as the basis for checking the condition. It is possible to select row titles, data columns and deviations. To do so, you specify a data column, for example, with series2, a deviation with deviation1, and the row title with rowHeader.


Under Target, select one or more target columns, which are assigned to the selected style. Target is the index of the column, where the column with the index 0 describes the row titles.

Only the visible columns are considered for the index of the columns.

In addition to the input of a single column, there are two other ways to select target cells: Firstly, a comma-separated list of indexes can be specified (for example, 2.3), then the selection is applied to all selected columns. On the other hand, all the columns of the table can be selected with the keyword.

Operator, From/Value und To
A condition consists of one operator and one (From/Value) or two (additional To) values. The value of the corresponding source is checked by the operator. If the check is positive, the exception is drawn.

In addition to the usual mathematical operators for comparing two values, there are some additional operators:

  • Alert LevelThis allows you to take over an alert level from the exceptions of a BW query.

    Alert Level is not possible in WebI and will be removed in a later version
  • ContainsYou can use Contains to check whether a string contains another string (which can be specified in Value / From). It is also possible to formulate terms using regular expressions.
  • AlwaysThis condition always matches whatever value is in the source cell or the value.
  • HierarchyWith this condition the hierarchy levels can be selected. The hierarchy level that is assigned to a row can be read from the CSS class of the row.
  • KeyThe key specified in Value is matched to the source cell. If the values are exactly the same, the Row Format Configuration is applied.
  • IndexThe Row Format Configuration is applied directly to the line with the specified index. It is possible to specify both a single index (2), a comma-separated list (1,3,4,6) or a range (2.6).
The condition and the source are used to restrict the cells of the target column that are given a style.

The appearance of an exception icon can be defined via the style. For this purpose, three information must be separated by spaces:

<filltype> <color> <shape>

Examples of valid definitions are, for example:

  • filled green rhomb
  • empty #00f723 circle

The color can be any color in Hex notation. The following selection options are available for the filltype:

  • filled
  • empty
  • hatchedUp
  • hatchedDown
  • dotted

With shape you can choose between these options:

  • circle
  • rect
  • rhomb
  • harvey
  • arrowUp
  • arrowRight
  • arrowDown
The current scope of the exception definition does not yet match the Row Format Configuration in the Lumira Designer tables.

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