

In order to update the existing installation of the Custom Elements Service graphomate for Web Intelligence, the following steps are necessary:

  1. Move the graphomate-webi-X.X.war into the webapps directory of the Tomcat server of the BI platform (for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\tomcat\webapps). A restart of the Tomcat server via the Central Configuration Manager after an update is necessary if the name of the WAR file has not changed, so the service would be unpacked in the same directory as before.
  2. Open the Central Managment Console and switch to Applications and Web Intelligence. On the left side of the configuration window, switch to "Custom elements" and "Add service". 
    1. Open the configuration of the existing service.
    2. The name of the service must not be changed.
    3. The URL must be modified to include the updated version of the service, for example, from http://webi.super-corp.com:8080/graphomate-webi-1.3 to http://webi.super-corp.com:8080/graphomate-webi-1.4 (corresponds to the name of the WAR file).
  3. Open the Launch Pad, Web Intelligence and a document. Under Charts, Custom elements, the updated graphomate for WebI extensions are available (see Quick Start).

After the update and if you no longer refer to the old service, you can remove the WAR file and the unpacked folder of the old version from the webapps directory.